Welfare Cattle Rancher

  Youngstown residents please read this and consider voting for the Community Bill of Rights for your family’s safety. If you’re still not convinced read this.

  This is a follow-up to last week’s blog about rancher Cliven Bundy. Bundy has been refusing to pay the federal government money he owes for grazing his cattle on government land. A lot of gun totting militia types have showed up to defend freeloading moocher Bundy. These militia types have been camping out in trailers and tents for a few weeks now. I guess that means they are unemployed freeloaders who don’t have jobs. If any of these militia folks owned the land Bundy was grazing on for free I’d bet they’d be aiming their guns at him. If these supporters actually had jobs and paid taxes they’d realize Bundy was stealing taxpayers land to make money for himself. Bundy’s family has been grazing their cattle for many years on U.S. owned land that it is leased at dirt cheap rates, well below market value. Bundy is the same as corporations who make huge profits off corporate welfare and all manner of government handouts. While Bundy and corporations reap huge profits from these government subsidies they think they are truly rugged individualists and capitalists. They loath the government and back candidates who promise to make the government smaller. They really are ungrateful bastards with a huge sense of entitlement.

  I was sure it would only be a matter of time until Cliven would show his true colors and make a racist statement. “I want to tell you one more thing I know about the Negro,” he said. Mr. Bundy recalled driving past a public-housing project in North Las Vegas, “and in front of that government house the door was usually open and the older people and the kids — and there is always at least a half a dozen people sitting on the porch — they didn’t have nothing to do. They didn’t have nothing for their kids to do. They didn’t have nothing for their young girls to do.” He added “And because they were basically on government subsidy, so now what do they do?” he asked. “They abort their young children, they put their young men in jail, because they never learned how to pick cotton. And I’ve often wondered, are they better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things, or are they better off under government subsidy? They didn’t get no more freedom. They got less freedom.”

  Of course many of Cliven’s right-wing militia supporters are cut from the same cloth. Jim Lordy from Kalispell, Montana is one of the armed militia people who showed up to support Bundy. Kalispell in Flathead County in northwest Montana is the home of the largest white supremacist and militia movement groups in the country. The right-wing Oath Keepers also showed up to aid Bundy. Their members are current and former U.S. military and law enforcement personnel. They were founded in 2009 as an opposition reaction to the Obama presidency, by Stewart Rhodes a former US Army paratrooper, and a former staffer of Congressman Ron Paul. Ron Paul has a history of making racist comments in his newsletters. Senator Rand Paul (Ron Paul’s son) was supporting Bundy but quickly distanced himself after Mr. Bundy’s racist remarks. Rand in the past has said he was opposed to the Civil Rights Act because he thinks businesses should be allowed to deny service to people on the basis of race.

  MSNBC’s political commentator, Pat Buchanan (considered by many to be a racist himself) explained the existence of the Oath Keepers on the alienation of white America, concluding that “America was once their country. They sense they are losing it. And they are right.” Oath Keeper militia leader and former sheriff Richard Mack said, “The greatest threat we face today is not terrorists; it is our federal government.” FOX NEWS commentator Sean Hannity has been championing John Birch Society acolyte and racist anti-Semitic militia group Posse Comitatus devotee Richard Mack. Mack like Bundy is a Mormon. Prior to 1978, Mormons regarded African-Americans as cursed by god. They reversed that racist belief when President Jimmy Carter threatened to revoke the Mormon Church’s tax-exempt status.

  I guess Bundy’s has set an example for “Negro” Americans. That is to have 14 children and get off the porch and if you’re going to get government welfare do it in a big way by stealing 600,00 acres of taxpayer owned land. Then as long as you’re rich and white armed nutbags will come to your aid. You got to love those right-wing family values.

Sean Hannity has his own history of racism.

Dangerous Oath Keeper member activity.

Ascent Junkies: “A Protest Song”

“Whoa Oh Oh Oh Oh

“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.” ~ George W. Bush

rom Andrew Jackson to a South Carolina congressman regarding nullification:

If one drop of blood be shed there in defiance of the laws of the United States, I will hang the first man of them I can get my hands on to the first tree I can find.

Read more at http://littlegreenfootballs.com/page/307282_Militias_Mobilizing_to_Support#cgIlyc4fTLF3SeWD.99

from Andrew Jackson to a South Carolina congressman regarding nullification:

If one drop of blood be shed there in defiance of the laws of the United States, I will hang the first man of them I can get my hands on to the first tree I can find.

Read more at http://littlegreenfootballs.com/page/307282_Militias_Mobilizing_to_Support#cgIlyc4fTLF3SeWD.99

from Andrew Jackson to a South Carolina congressman regarding nullification:

If one drop of blood be shed there in defiance of the laws of the United States, I will hang the first man of them I can get my hands on to the first tree I can find.

Read more at http://littlegreenfootballs.com/page/307282_Militias_Mobilizing_to_Support#cgIlyc4fTLF3SeWD.99

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One response to “Welfare Cattle Rancher

  1. Brock Featherstone

    Cant take a bunch of nothing better to do’ers serious or threatening that actually planned on using women as human shields.
    Even more idiotic is these pretend cowboys are defending a Greedy Inbred Imbasol…for what? If they ( the all American Hero wanna bees) want something productive for this country and their own, go home..get a job..truly educate themselves on the underlining agenda of the Far Right Delusional Wacka Doos. The Bundy sympathizers are puppets..brainless stooges frustrated internally by fear and weakness.

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