Monthly Archives: August 2013

Poetic Justice

To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington I offer up this poem I wrote awhile back.

Poetic Justice

Yid, Kyke, Injun, Mick,

Wop, Dago, Guido, Spic,

Slope, Ruskie, Kraut, Frog, Beaner, Polack,

Curry Muncher, Hymie, Rice Eater, Wet Back,

Nigger, Chink, Hop-Sing, Shenney, Camel Jockey, Zipper Head,

Gook, Nip, Sambo, Half-Breed, Queer, Faggot and Rag Head.

Pretty vile terms for most

but Betty’s daily language.

She just needed someone

to blame for her failures.

Her racist language and hate

drove away a husband

and her daughter Anna

refused to let

the Grandkids

near her anymore.

Anna had barely survived

growing up in such

a racist household

she certainly wasn’t going to expose

her children to such verbal poison.

Being consumed with so much hate

took its toll on Betty’s health.

One’s brain and heart eventually fail

when force-fed so many toxins.

Betty’s family wanted no part of her so

she ended up in the county nursing home.

The irony is now the only ones

who daily talk to her

and give her comfort

are a black nurse

named Helen who

works the day  shift,

a Hispanic nurse

named, Lupita who

works afternoon turn

and Tom a gay nurse

on midnight turn.


The Roots: “Can’t Turn Me Around” (Civil Rights Song)

The Impressions: “People Get Ready”

“At the heart of racism is the religious assertion that God made a creative mistake when He brought some people into being.” – Friedrich Otto Hertz

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The Suicide Party for Minorities


This photos shows Dale Robertson, a Tea Party activist who operates

The April, 2010 New York Times/CBS News national survey of Tea Party supporters found that they are:– More than twice as likely as the general public (25% vs. 11%) to believe that “the policies of the Obama administration favor blacks over whites.”

Half as likely as the general public (16% to 31%) to believe that “white people have a better chance of getting ahead in today’s society.”

– Almost twice as likely as the general public (52% to 28%) to believe that “too much has been made of the problems facing black people” in recent years.

Do you think the Tea Party members are just the extreme racist part of the GOP? Let’s take a look at what the elected candidates of the GOP (Republicans) are saying.

  On January 20, 2009 Barack Obama a Democrat became our first African-American president. In October 23, 2010, Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell explained in an interview that “the single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.” To McConnell getting rid of the first African-American president was more important than creating jobs, fighting poverty, ending the war or paying down the debt.

  Sarah Palin described President Obama’s handling of the Benghazi issue as “Shuck and Jive.”

  Former Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA) said, “I don’t want to make [black] people’s lives better by giving them other people’s money.”

 Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich (R-GA) claimed he could end unemployment by making poor black kids clean toilets. During an interview on CNBC he referred to President Obama as the “Food Stamp President.” He also commented that black Americans should demand jobs, but not food stamps. He didn’t mention that his consulting firm received $1.6 million in fees from the government-sponsored enterprise Freddie Mac.

  Mitt Romney’s Campaign Co-Chair former New Hampshire Governor John Sununu said that former Secretary of State Colin Powell (R) only endorsed Obama because they share the same skin color.

  Republican Saline County, Kansas Commissioner Jim Gile used the term ‘nigger rigging” during a commission discussion about hiring an architect to work on a county building.

  During a CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference) moderator K Carl Smith (who calls himself a Frederick Douglas Republican) said “When Douglass came through slavery … he [wrote] a letter to his former slave master and said: ‘I forgive you for all the things you did to me’.” From the crowd Scott Terry (Republican and self-proclaimed direct descendant of former confederate president Jefferson Davis) shouted “For giving him shelter and food for all those years?” Smith refused to yield to a young black woman who objected to Terry’s comment. Upon hearing a reference to Martin Luther King, Matthew Heimbach wearing a confederate T-shirt shouted out that King was a “Marxist.” Heimbach is president of the White Student Union at Towson University in Maryland.

  Jenifer Olsen, chairwoman of the Yellowstone County Republicans and co-founder of the Montana Shrugged Tea Party, shared an offensive and blatantly racist photo on her Facebook profile. The photo showed a box on an angle held up by a stick with a long string on it, under the box just barely visible was a watermelon. The joke was labeled, “The Secret Service uncovered this plot to kidnap the president.”

  While watching the Superbowl Todd Kincannon, former Executive Director of the South Carolina Party, texted “This Superbowl sucks more dick than Trayvon Martin would have for drug money.”

  Former Miss America and Harvard-educated lawyer Erika Harold, is a Black Republican. She was running in the primary in Illinois against current Republican Rep. Rodney Davis a white man. Montgomery County Chair Jim Allen fired off an email calling Erika Harold the black female Republican congressional candidate the “love child” of the Democratic Party; a “street walker” whose “pimps” are party leaders; and suggested that after the election, she will be “working for some law firm that needs to meet their quota for minority hires.”

  Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake’s teenage son, Tanner goes by the name “niggerkiller” in an online game. On YouTube he makes comments using the word “nigger” and calls Mexicans “the scum of the Earth.”

  Nevada Rep. Joe Heck’s son, Joey makes racist comments on Twitter using words like faggot, nigga and trash talking Hispanics and women. He said that Mitt Romney made Barack Obama his “slave” in a presidential debate. He also said that Obama’s main accomplishments as president were promoting the sports of “spear chucking and rock skipping. The sports they do in his home country…”

  Ron Paul has newsletters going back 20 years calling Martin Luther King Day “Hate Whitey Day.” He has lots of racist tie to people like Don Black, a former Grand Wizard of the KKK and current American Nazi Party member. Here are 10 of Ron Paul’s racist friends and supporters. Paul is on the record being in support of the right of individuals and businesses to openly discriminate against people – and violate their basic human rights.

  Ron Paul’s son Rand is also a racist. Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) had hired Jack Hunter — also known as the “Southern Avenger” — to work in his Senate office, despite Hunter’s past as a neo-Confederate, pro-secessionist activist. Indeed, the staffer, who helped write Rand Paul’s book, used to make public appearances in a Confederate flag wrestling mask and has boasted that he raises “a personal toast every May 10 to celebrate John Wilkes Booth’s birthday.” Paul has acknowledged having mixed feelings about Abraham Lincoln.

  A supporter named Ed Koziol wrote an e-mail to Republican South Carolina state representative Alan Clemmons. He said he was glad of the voter suppression laws that Clemmons had drafted. He then commented that the government shouldn’t offer a reward for people to obtain voter ID cards because, in his words, “It would be like a swarm of bees going after a watermelon.” Rep. Clemmon’s response back, “Amen.” The South Carolina voter suppression law was recently declared discriminatory by the Supreme Court. And now the law’s opponents have the email exchange to prove it.

  During the National GOP convention, two attendees were booted from the convention after allegedly throwing nuts at a black CNN camerawoman, and taunting: “This is how we feed the animals.”

  In Virginia Bryon Bailey, vice chairman of the Board of Supervisors, and Herbert DeGroft a School Board member were asked to resign by county and school leaders. The two had sent out emails that community leaders have called disrespectful to African-Americans. Need I say they were white Republicans?

  Just the other day in Colorado they had a meeting of the state’s Economic Opportunity Poverty Reduction Task Force.  Colorado State Sen. Vicki Marble (R) spoke suggesting that the reason for poverty among certain minority groups was that they eat too much chicken and barbecue.

  Rep. Joe Walsh, R-Ill., at a Town Hall meeting said, “Jesse Jackson would be out of work if (blacks) weren’t dependent on government.”

  Audra Shay—a 38-year-old Army veteran, was elected vice chairman of the Young Republicans. She was holding court on her Facebook page, initiating political conversations.  Eric Pike posted a message to her saying, “Obama Bin Laden is the new terrorist… Muslim is on their side … need to take this country back from all of these mad coons… and illegals.” Shay who was endorsed by Louisiana Gov. Jindal responded to Piker’s comments:  “You tell em Eric!  lol.”

  Doug Priesse is chairman of the Republican Party in Franklin County and a top adviser to Governor John Kasich. He was asked a question about Ohio’s Secretary of State Jon Husted’s  announcement limiting hours that early-voting sites across Ohio would be open. Thinking he was speaking off the record he said, “I guess I really actually feel we shouldn’t contort the voting process to accommodate the urban – read African-American – voter-turnout machine.”

  I could go on and on listing racist remarks and code words for racism that Republican politicians have said. Do I need to tell you the GOP is an angry old white man’s club? Their racism at home turns their kids into racists and they cultivate racists as voters. Why was a black woman even at CPAC and why was one running for office as a Republican? Despite all of the GOP’s racist remarks African-American writers like Walter Williams and Thomas Sowell continue to write columns saying liberals are the enemy of African-Americans and that they need to join the GOP. I guess fat paychecks from right-wing think tanks to say such things are enough to trash your own race. Locally Tracey Winbush and Jeff at WSOM radio are two African-Americans who call Democrats “elitist” while they praise many of the Republicans I’ve listed above.

 I could make an even longer list of racist remarks by Republicans about Hispanics and Arabs. Also, don’t even get me started on how the GOP hates women and how women who are Republicans are their own worst enemy. Republicans continue to condemn minorities as “takers.” Republicans also have a problem helping families in need, but have no problems giving corporations all the corporate welfare they can get away with. When I see black people at Tea Party events, the Republican Convention and hear black listeners agreeing with Tracey and Jeff I wonder why they are so suicidal. The GOP is more than happy to provide assisted suicide for minorities.

R.I.P. Allen Lanier of Blue Oyster Cult

Blue Oyster Cult: “Subhuman”

“Make Rock Not War”

“Even as someone who’s labeled a conservative — I’m a Republican, I’m black, I’m heading up this organization in the Reagan administration — I can say that conservatives don’t exactly break their necks to tell blacks that they are welcome.” ~ Clarence Thomas


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Corporate Purchases Not Public Servants

  Rep. Tom McClintock (R-CA) said, “There’s only one race here, it’s the American race.”  I guess Native Americans will be glad to hear they are getting their nation back.

  Rep. Steve King (R-IA) recently launched into a vicious tirade against individuals from Latin America. He claimed individuals from a “violent civilization” would create a more violent environment. He also said a lot of the children of undocumented immigrants were drug mules.

  Rep. Don Young (R-Alaska) used the word” wetbacks” to describe Hispanics. This while the GOP is trying to gain the Latino vote.

  Referring to Africa-Americans reaction to George Zimmerman being found not guilty of shooting Trayvon Martin Rep. Andy Harris (R-MD) told African-Americans to “get over it.”

  Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) discussed the history of civil rights and discrimination during his April speech at Howard University.  He has made many statements in the recent past that he opposes the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

  Rep. Louis Gohmert (R-TX) told an audience of business leaders that “radical Islamists” are taking Spanish lessons. The reason they are doing this: “We don’t have any fear of Hispanics coming into the country.”

  Former Arkansas governor and former presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee said, “So the Muslims will go to the mosque, and they will have their day of prayer, and they come out of there like uncorked animals — throwing rocks and burning cars.”

  Arizona State Rep. Bob Thorpe endorsed the antics of a Missouri State Fair clown who wore a President Obama mask while running from a bull, and accused Attorney General Eric Holder of being soft on crime because of his race.

  Rep. Steve Stockman (R-TX) has extended a Texas welcome to the rodeo clown.

  Arizona Republicans Sen. Jeff Flake, Sen. John McCain, and Rep. Paul Gosar all voted against emergency relief funding after SuperStorm Sandy ravaged New Jersey and New York area earlier this year. Now, following an Arizona wildfire, the same trio is vocally complaining that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is not doing enough to aid their state.

  Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott (R) is so confident that the courts will let Texas Republicans get away with rigging elections that he openly brags about his fellow Republicans’ efforts to do so in an official court filing. According to a brief Abbott filed earlier this month, “In 2011, both houses of the Texas Legislature were controlled by large Republican majorities, and their redistricting decisions were designed to increase the Republican Party’s electoral prospects at the expense of the Democrats.”

  South Carolina State Sen. Lee Bright (R) announced that he will mount a 2014 primary challenge to U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R). He considers conservative Graham as being too liberal. Bright believes women should be subservient to men, both in the church and in the home. He has tried to ban public funding for abortions in cases of rape and incest. He has opposed funding for rape and crisis centers. He has sought for South Carolina to create its own currency. He has attacked President Obama on the national debt and considers himself a “fiscal and social conservative.” Bright’s trucking company called; On Time Trucking is facing tax liens and foreclosure.

  North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory (R) signed into law the nation’s worst voter suppression law. It will prohibit certain kinds of voter registration drives, which register students, low-income and minority’s voters, who tend to vote for Democrats. Before North Carolina Gov. McCrory was elected, he promised not to enact any new restrictions on abortion. The governor now signed SB 353 the most restrictive access to safe and legal abortions the state has ever seen. The new abortion restrictions — which were tacked onto an unrelated safety measure about motorcycles. He eliminated unemployment benefits for 70,000 people and gave corporations $345 million in tax breaks.

  Rep. Blake Farenthold (R-TX) and Rep. Markwayne Mullin (R-OK) have been agreeing with constituents at town hall meetings that President Obama was born in Kenya (folks who believe this are called, birthers). Farenthold said if given the opportunity, House Republicans would “impeach the president tomorrow.”

  Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, has become a national figure by advising other states on how to implement anti-immigrant and voter suppression measures,

  Rep. Markwayne Mullin (R-OK) is a birther also. She wants to unconstitutionally enact a state law that would go against federal laws. The laws she wants would weaken federal laws protecting miner’s safety.

  Rep. Tom McClintock (R-CA) opposed any kind of financial or Wall Street reform because he says white collar crime on Wall Street doesn’t exist.

   Former (R-PA) Senator Rick Santorum says the term “middle class” is “Marxism talk.”


  Rep. Steven Fincher (R-TN), slammed food aid as “other people’s money……yet he received $3.48 million in farm subsidies from the U.S. government.


  Congressman Mark Mullin (R-OK), blasted a couple at a grocery store for using food stamps. He has collected $370,000 in stimulus money for his plumbing company.


  I note that this list is all Republicans but I’m not about to let Democrats off the hook.


  I know a lot of Democrats love Newark N.J. Mayor Cory Booker.  He after all exposed his predecessor Mayor James for the corrupt crook he was. Since becoming Mayor Booker has used the office to enrich himself just like Mayor James did. He has been getting 100’s of thousands of dollars in corporate speaking fees. The Washington Post exposed that he had a secret $100 million deal with Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerman which was designed to help Zuckerman and other donors to circumvent New Jersey’s public and remake (Newark) public schools in the way these donors wanted. Wall Street just spent lots of money helping him win the Democrat primary in New Jersey for U.S. Senate.


  The Department of Labor wants to set new standards requiring investments advisers to act in the best interest of their clients, instead of the best interest of the advisers. A financial lobbyist drafted a letter opposing new protections for millions of American’s retirement accounts. Thirty-two liberal Democrat congressmen signed that letter. Those 32 include 28 out of 43 members of the Black Caucus. Now 10 Democrat Senators have also signed the letter. In recent years these Democrats have received 10’s of thousands of dollars in contributions from the securities and investment industry. Republicans will introduce a bill in the fall to weaken the Department of Labor’s power to protect retirement investments.


  These politicians that say stupid and racist things don’t represent the American public. These politicians that take corporate lobbyists money aren’t public servants they are corporate purchases.


  We liberals get accused of wanting big government. It is not that we want big government; hell we can see that these politicians are not really our “representatives.” We think government can help many situations and it will when the government truly represents the people. I trust the informed public not the politicians. We need to go after corruption and implement campaign finance reform. Let’s start small by getting informed and calling “bullshit” when politicians spew it.


  A case in point, at a town hall held by Florida Republican Rep. Daniel Webster. The voters that attended were well informed on the fine points of the Affordable Care Act, also known as “Obamacare.” When Webster recited misleading claims that the law’s consumer protections are being dismantled by the Obama administration, his informed constituents called him out. The crowd literally called out “Bullshit!” as Webster spoke. An event official interrupted asked the audience to be respectful and give Webster a chance to speak. One audience member replied, “Well, tell him to stop lying.”

  Webster’s encounter came one week after his colleague, Rep. Patrick McHenry (R-TX), was confronted by constituents calling Obamacare their best avenue for getting better healthcare.  

Marcel Cartier: “Revolution”

“99 to 1”

Area Band: “Main Street Lions”

The modern conservative is engaged in one of man’s oldest exercises in moral philosophy, that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.” ~ John Kenneth Galbraith

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Local Awards

  I have been giving out a buffoon award but this week I want to introduce a new award. This new award will be called the “Bufonidae” award. Bufoniade is the family name that 300 species of frogs and toads belong to. In this case we will only be referring to one member of the Bufoniade family. That will be the corporate toadies and the first weeks winner of this award goes to one of the biggest corporate toadies in our valley, Warren Tribune Chronicle Editor Frank Robinson. Warning Frank Robinson, warning Frank Robinson (as Robbie the robot from Lost in Space might say) you long ago outed yourself as a corporate toadie. Frank’s most recent “toadyism” was his Saturday weekly column giving out Orchid or Onion awards to local people and organizations. Editor Robinson gave an Onion to Warren City Councilman Alford Novak. The Onion was given to Novak for picketing with other union members against a new nonunion Warren grocery store, Bottom Dollar. I think Bottom Dollar refers to what the 50 new mostly part-time minimum wage workers will be paid. Novak and other union members were picketing trying to unionize the new workers so they could better their standard of living.

  Editor Frank dislikes politicians taking a stand with unions and he of course feels politicians should be corporate toadies like him. Which leads me to another new award I will call the Sealy Mattress Corporate Bedmate Award (SMCBA). This award is for working-class workers, union members and unions who act and vote against their interest and get in bed with greedy corporations that put profits before people. The first SMCBA goes to Warren City water department worker (who lives in Cortland) Rick Radich, a member of ASCME Local 74. Radich said it is irresponsible for a council member to be seen doing things that could chase a business out of the city. He added, “The Bottom Dollar has about 50 employees, it is purchasing water and paying for use of the city’s sewer system and it may be using our sanitation department.” Like a lot of shortsighted union members Rick is thinking about his income and not caring if his fellow working-class workers make a livable wage or not. This is why Rick earns the first ever SMCBA.

  I had an injury that sent me to the doctors so I missed attending the anti-fracking rally that happened in Warren, Ohio on courthouse square. I want to point out another of my local hero politicians like Al Novak who attended the rally and spoke. That would be Liberty, Ohio Township Trustee Jodi Stoyak. Jodi has been working hard protecting the citizens of Liberty. This includes doing a lot of research on fracking and injection wells. How do I know Jodi cares about people more than profits? The number one way to know is that last week Warren Tribune Chronicle Editor Robinson gave her and any other elected officials that attended the anti-fracking rally an Onion. While the rally was going on a counter pro-fracking rally went on nearby. Editor Frank gave Orchids to Trumbull County Commissioner Frank Fuda, Warren Mayor Doug Franklin and Trumbull County Recorder Diana Marchese who joined the corporate toadies from the Regional Chamber to stage the pro-fracking rally. Members of the pro-fracking rally who were natural gas employees walked around the anti-fracking rally loudly blowing air horns (not mentioned in the Warren Tribune Chronicle) to distract anti-fracking speakers. I had a guy tell me he doesn’t have an opinion on the fracking issue but he’d suspect the side trying to deny the other side their First Amendment rights is probably on the wrong side.

  There is a lot we need to learn about fracking and injections wells and I’d welcome forums on either side to present their facts and findings. Blowing horns and yelling, “Jobs, jobs jobs” doesn’t tell me what safety concerns I should know about for my family and community. Let’s imagine it is 1858 when the asbestos industry began and they wanted to expand in our area. Local politicians, asbestos workers and the Regional Business Chamber would be in the streets shouting “Jobs, jobs jobs.” An 1858 version of Editor Robinson would be giving the asbestos corporation plenty of Orchids and good press. How dare any activist at that time question the safety of asbestos. If they did someone from the asbestos corporation would say, “Asbestos dates back 4,500 years, when the inhabitants of Finland strengthened earthenware pots and cooking utensils with the asbestos mineral anthophyllite.” Asbestos was an experiment on humans and as far as I’m concerned so is fracking. I don’t need any B.S. about how they’ve been fracking 60 years so it’s safe. They are now injecting into the Earth chemical cocktails so it’s not the same process.

   Runner-up for my Sealy Mattress Corporate Bedmate Award is a big tie. The winners are Tim Callion of Plumbing and Pipefitters Union 396, Don Crane, president of the Western Reserve Building Trades Council, Butch Tayler of the 396 Plumbers and Pipefitters Union and Jody Stringer of Warren Labor Local 935. String was quoted saying, “BP has gone beyond national standards in teaching us safety measures that will be required for our work.” I guess Jodi trusts BP who in 2010 had an 87 day oil spill that impacted 68,000 square miles of ocean, 339 miles of Gulf coastline and killed 11 people.  BP plead guilty to 11 counts of manslaughter, two misdemeanors, and a felony count of lying to Congress. BP also agreed to four years of government monitoring of its safety practices and ethics, which Jodi Stringer is why BP is living up to government standards. I am the most union supporting person you will meet but I have no use for these unionists that put their job ahead of the safety of my children or yours.

  Another working-class hero I want to mention is Randy Moyer. Randy Moyer was a truck driver for the natural gas industry for just four months when he ended up with rashes on two-thirds of his body and intense pain from radiation exposure from fracking fluids.  Randy wanted to warn the public about health hazards caused by fracking so he spoke at a presentation Saturday in an old school auditorium in North Lima. I missed the presentation but if I was there he’d of just been preaching to the choir. Who needed to hear Randy were people who are on the fence about the issue and the ones who support fracking. The pro-fracking forces really don’t want to hear about any problems with the industry. I saw a TV news blip about the meeting and there appeared to be only about a dozen and a half people in that big auditorium which is really sad considering what Randy has gone through. Sadly, nearby in Leetonia, Ohio’s library on the same day people were turned away at an event because there wasn’t room for the over 200 people who showed up. What speaking event could be more important than hearing from an injured man about the dangers facing our families and communities? Why it was a presentation on Bigfoot sightings in Ohio. Talk about screwed up priorities.

  That’s all I have to say and it is just one more day of me trying to save the Earth from its inhabitants. I hope you are trying to do the same.

Michael Jackson: “Earth Song”

“Heal the World”

“What’s the use of a fine house if you haven’t got a tolerable planet to put it on?” ~ Henry David Thoreau


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Who Owes Who an Apology?

  I had a racist conservative I argue with online send me this video. The video is of a pastor, Dr. James David Manning talking to his congregation. He is chief pastor at the ATLAH World Missionary Church in New York City. In the video Dr. Manning calls Trayvon Martin a trouble making pot smoking thug. He also trashes Martin’s parents as bad parents. He goes on to talk about the family of George Zimmerman who killed Martin. He claims they were great parents and if George wouldn’t have shot Martin someone else would have as he was a thug. At the recent rally I attended for Trayvon Martin in Youngstown a speaker mentioned Pastor Manning trashing Trayvon. He went on to say that there will always be at least one person speaking against their own race for some personal gain. The people who love these race traitor types are folks like the racist conservative who sent the video to me. Dr. Manning became one of their favorite go to guys when conservative media like FOX NEWS wants to discuss race issues. That came about because Dr. Manning did several sermons criticizing 2008 Presidential candidate Barack Obama. He went as far as calling Obama’s mother “white trash” for becoming pregnant to a black man out-of-wedlock. He said, “It is common knowledge that African men, coming from the continent of Africa—especially for the first time—do diligently seek out white women to have sexual intercourse with. Generally the most noble of white society choose not to intercourse sexually with these men. So it’s usually the trashier ones who make their determinations that they’re going to have sex.”

  Dr. Manning is a birther (disputes Obama being born in the U.S.) and has compared him to Hitler and Satan and frequently calls him a criminal. Dr. Manning is the one who is a criminal as he has served time in New York and Florida for burglary, larceny, criminal possession of a weapon, and other charges. In Manning’s sermon he makes statements against Trayvon and his family and uses the Zimmerman family as an example of married hard-working parents who did their best for their children. I’m here to say both families made their share of mistakes and the Zimmerman family is the last family I’d want to use as role models for parenthood.

   George Zimmerman’s cousin came forth about a month after Trayvon Martin’s murder and accused George Zimmerman of molesting her when they were children. The incidents occurred at Zimmerman’s family home when she was 6 and he was 8. She alleges the attacks continued until she was 16. She said Zimmerman assaulted her numerous times, groping her with his hands, kissing her, fondling her inside her pants and inserting his fingers in her vagina. Zimmerman’s attorneys fought to keep the woman’s testimony out of the trial and Judge Nelson agreed with the defense. The woman also says she has spoken to another girl George Zimmerman molested as a child. This cousin also has said she believes Zimmerman killed Trayvon Martin over race because of his family’s racist past. Part 1 and Part 2 of her testimony here.  The cousin’s testimony also stated that Zimmerman’s family was littered with racists, especially his Peruvian mother. The cousin is the second person to come forward with such racist claims against the Zimmerman’s family

  The Miami Herald has published information from George Zimmerman’s 2005 MySpace page. The paper found some derogatory statements about Mexicans in some of his postings. He wrote, “I dont miss driving around scared to hit mexicans walkin on the side of the street, soft ass wanna be thugs messin with peoples cars when they aint around (what are you provin, that you can dent a car when no ones watchin) don’t make you a man in my book. Workin 96 hours to get a decent pay check, gettin knifes pulled on you by every mexican you run into!” Other postings made reference to his other legal troubles in the 2005. He made a comment about the domestic violence charges against him being dropped. He also mentioned the assault charge on a police officer being downgrades. Zimmerman’s attorney, Mark O’Mara, has taken control of his online presence. He had planned to wipe out all of his online data, including a website he had set up to raise money for his defense, but he changed his mind after he saw that Zimmerman’s website had raised over $200,000.  These statements on Myspace show Zimmerman has a history of racial profiling.

  Those in the right-wing media ignored statements about Zimmerman being a molester and coming from a racist family. They ignored his MySpace or any other social media he posted on. They did not ignore Trayvon Martin’s online social media postings and were more than happy to expose any they thought made Trayvon look like a thug. Here is an example of right-wing media portraying Trayvon as a burglar and speculating that his trip to the store was to get ice tea and Skittles to turn them into a drug concoction. Meanwhile, they portray Zimmerman as a community saint. They claim he is the type who rolled out the red carpet and gave gift baskets to new black neighbors. See video here.

  Zimmerman was following Trayvon because he had profiled him as a young black man wearing a hoodie. Martin who was on his phone with his friend, Rachel Jeantel told her he was being followed by a “creepy-ass-cracker.” What we ended up with was two people who don’t know one another acting on wrong-headed stereotypes. Throw a gun in the mix and you end up with a body. Yes, the trial is over but let us not move on. Let’s examine the mistakes both Trayvon and George made. Let’s examine the deadly mentality of laws like “Stand Your Ground.” Let’s question the motives of politicians who are owned by the NRA. Let’s get past blaming the victim and look at the records of everyone involved. Let’s question the media’s motives when Sean Hannity asks softball questions of Zimmerman and wants to contribute to his defense. Let’s call commentators like Geraldo Rivera out for suggesting people wearing hoodies are asking to be shot.

  Conservative whites are angry that Rev. Sharpton has come to support the Martin family. These white conservatives are years later still claiming that Rev. Sharpton needs to apologize for supporting Tawana Brawley who accused 6 whites (including 2 policemen) of raping her. A grand jury dismissed the case so it never went to trial. I ask when will these white conservatives apologize for believing Ashley Todd, of College Station, Texas, who lied and said a black man robbed her at knifepoint in Pittsburgh and then cut her cheek after seeing a McCain sticker on her car? When will they apologize for Boston’s Chuck Stewart who shot himself and killed his wife with a shot to her head? He claimed a black man did it and police arrested an innocent black man. Stewart’s brother blew the whistle that Chuck had done the act. Chuck jumped from a bridge killing himself before he could be arrested.

  I have yet to hear white conservatives and the media apologize for Susan Smith who claimed her car was hijacked by a black man who drove away with her sons still in the car. Nine days later Smith confessed to letting her car roll into a lake drowning her children inside. She wanted to kill her children so that she might resume an affair with a wealthy local man who had no interest in a “ready-made” family. Then we have Philadelphia police Sergeant Ralston who shot himself and said two black men shot him. I could name a ton more such cases of falsely accusing people of color that white conservatives and the media bought into in a frenzy because of their fear of black on white crime that they will never apologize for. They don’t care how many minorities were harassed, roughed up or wrongly imprisoned because of these lies. They only care that Rev. Sharpton has not apologized for Tawana Brawley or the Duke Lacrosse team being investigated for rape. Limbaugh, Hannity etc. will trot out Duke and Brawley as an example of  false accusations every time there is a new allegation of racism made by someone who is black. Racist whites feel these two wrongs will cover all of the  lies of the future Todds, Stewarts, Smiths, Ralstons and Zimmermans accusing minorities of crimes they didn’t commit.

  We of course need to know what is going on in the psyche of Todd, Stewart, Smith and Ralston that makes them think they can easily get away with blaming blacks for crimes they themselves had committed. We also need to study the white psyche that accepts blaming black people for hurting white people as such an automatic and easily believed reaction.

Ray Zimmerman (no relation to George): “I Want a Marriage Like They Had in the Bible”

“To the Victims of This Tragedy We Send Our Thoughts and Prayers”

Local Band: Take II

“What age is a black boy when he learns he’s scary?” ~ Jonathan Lethem, “The Fortress of Solitude”

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