Monthly Archives: October 2021

Who’s Looney Tunes?

I was on my way to our townships’ recycling center, which is behind the volunteer fire department. That is when I first spotted two flags, at a home next to the station. One was a Trump flag and one had a photo of President Biden. The Biden photo was in the middle of a Looney Tunes’ logo.

I really hadn’t seen much about President Biden that I thought was looney. I felt like stopping and asking the homeowner what he thought was looney about President Biden. I’m sure that would be a two minute conversation. I would have had to respond with all the things I thought were; bizarre, erratic, weird and looney about President Trump. Reciting that list about Trump would have taken me hours. I just haven’t had the time to stop and have that long conversation.

Let me just list a number of things about Trump’s looney behavior. During a rally he asked Russia to hack Hillary Clinton’s email account. Trump said that Crimeans were happy to be ruled by Russia. He was also unaware that the Ukraine had been invaded by Russia. His lack of what was going on in the world should have been enough to disqualify him as a candidate.

Trump insulted veterans when he said that he had no respect for veterans like John McCain because he was captured. That should have been enough to disqualify him as a candidate. I just realized that the arthritis in my hand is not going to let me type that long list of idiot things Trump has done.

          I’ll just leave you with this list to look over:

 I didn’t even get into Trump’s racism. I’ll let Trump speak to that, “Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys wearing yarmulkes… Those are the only kind of people I want counting my money. Nobody else…Besides that, I tell you something else. I think that’s guy’s lazy. And it’s probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks,” John O’Donnell, a former president of Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino in Atlantic City, quoted Trump saying to him in his 1991 book. In May 1997, Trump was asked about his comment during an interview with Playboy, and he confirmed that “the stuff” O’Donnell wrote about him were “probably true.”

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Climate Change is Something to Fear but I Fear Human Nature

The GW Bush Administration was sure Iraq

had weapons of mass destruction.

That’s because they had a smoking gun,

Ronnie Reagan’s sales receipts.

The U.S. has a history of recipes,

for cooking up weapons of mass destructions.

In 1862, Richard Jordan Gatling

 invented the Gatling Gun

rat a tat tat, rat a tat tat

and just like that

200 deadly rounds in a minute.

But, hold on a minute,

that didn’t cause enough death and destruction,

so a new model arrived firing 400 rounds a minute.

In the US that meant a small army could effectively murder

 large numbers of Native Americans or striking workers.

Our other Imperialist ally, the British

used them in Africa, to slaughter Zulus.

Mr. Gattling naively hoped that the tremendous power

of his new weapon would discourage large scale battles

and show all the nations the folly of war.

How little such inventors understand mankind.

Instead, it inspired automatic machine guns to be created,

that were even more effective devastating utensils.

World War I ended with 1.3 million casualties caused

by chemical weapons, including 90,000 fatalities.

A study of patients 25 years after World War I

 indicated that 122 genes were significantly mutated

in the lungs and airways of mustard gas victims.

The United States detonated two nuclear weapons

over the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

during World War II on August 6th and 9th in 1945.

The two weapons killed between 129,000 and 226,000 people.

The noise from these two weapons exploding,

was 240-280 decibels, which is loud enough to kill all by itself.

The moral and ethical implications of nuclear weapons

and the deaths caused to civilians gave pause

as nations considered the destruction of the human race.

The pause was quickly over and the arms race was on.

Every country wanted a monopoly on violence.

Drones are the latest technology of impersonal mass murder.

In Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, and Yemen

US drones have killed up to 12,000 people,

including as many as 1,700 civilians – 400 of them children.

These numbers don’t include drone killings in Iraq and Libya. 

Over the last few years we don’t know

how many have been killed by drones.

That is because President Donald Trump

reversed an Obama-era requirement that the US military

 release annual reports of civilians killed,

 in airstrikes, both manned and unmanned.

No more hand to hand personal combat.

Destruction in modern war takes place

 miles and miles away

 from the source of the destruction,

 the human being who has caused it.

The superior military force is measured

by who can cause the most destruction.

War has become second nature to humans.

It is high time for mankind to realize

that real victories should better human life not destroy it.

“The ever more sophisticated weapons piling up in the arsenals of the wealthiest and the mightiest can kill the illiterate, the ill, the poor and the hungry, but they cannot kill ignorance, illness, poverty or hunger.” ― Fidel Castro



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