Monthly Archives: March 2024

It Could be All in a Name

What in the Hell are you talking about?

I am an American, so I have no clue,

what you mean when you tell me

how many kilometers you get per liter.

Our country never did buy into

that crazy confusing metric system.

Heck, we are still dealing with a lot

of old-timey measurements.

Who knows what a skosh means?

Or other cooking measurements like;

a scant, a shake, a smidgin, a smoot, a speck,

a splash, a sprinkle, a chug, a dash, a dollop,

a helping heap, a hint, a mite, a nibble, a pinch,

a tab, a touch, a tinge, a tuft, a jot, or a gob.

Not knowing these exact cooking measurements,

could lead to a real mess of something.

Tell me what size vehicle I need to haul;

a gazillion of something, a whole passel,

a buttload, a crap load, or a crap ton?

Would that be a carload, a truckload, or a boatload?

How long is it going to take me to haul all this bulk?

I could do it on my downtime and start in a moment, a nanosecond,

a hot minute, a New York minute, or two shakes of a lamb’s tail.

It shouldn’t take me a fortnight, a dog’s year, or a coon’s age.

I could get Joe to help me but he’s slower than molasses.

Mostly, because he is older than Methuselah.

I went to deliver this mass of goods in my old truck.

It doesn’t have GPS, so I got lost along the way.

I had to ask strangers for directions.

I was told my destination was over yonder,

up the road a piece, down aways,

a hop skip and a jump away, near Timbuktu,

a country mile, as the crow flies, a hair to the left,

a stone’s throw away, within spitting distance

and out past where Jesus lost his sandals.

Out of a dozen folks giving me directions

only one guy was correct in the end.

He said, “It is not in this neck of the woods.” 

So, the metric system might not be our cup of tea,

as, we already have a buttload of terms to work on.

There is only one way for Europeans to trick

the USA into using the metric system.

That would be calling it, “Freedom Unit Measuring.”

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Things I’ve heard on Right-wing Talk Radio

                      Caller: The most beautiful American thing I ever saw

                      was a huge Texas oil rig under the moonlight.

                      Me (yelling back at the radio): Probably more beautiful than

                      the 210-million-gallon Deepwater BP oil spill of 2010.

                      Caller: People need to realize that politics isn’t personal.

                       Me: It is for the vulnerable, the marginalized,

                       and Immigrants who are scapegoated.

                        Also, for the victims of hate crimes,

victims of racism, homophobia, and misogyny.

                        Caller: We need more Bible teaching in the schools.

Me: Will that make us more competitive in the world?

I would have said, more math, physics, and science studies.

Caller: Degrees, college, and further education mean nothing.

Me: Sure, who needs to be smart to sell

Herbalife and Amway pyramid schemes

to your relatives, neighbors, and church-friends

Caller I support Alabama Judge Roy Moore,

To be a GOP candidate for the senate.

I do not care if he sexually assaulted a girl.

  She was sixteen and that is old enough.

Me: Some folks will vote for pedophiles

for office as long as they pass lots of tax cuts.

I swear people like this caller like supporting

pedophiles and perverts as they live vicariously through them.

The next caller says he would only believe Moore

was a pervert if he heard it on FOX News.

Me: Fox News was busy hiding the facts that

Roger Ailes, Bill O’Riley, and Eric Bolling were

groping female co-workers at FOX News.

                        A caller: states that he supports cops who killed:

                        George Floyd, Tamir Rice, and Michael Brown.

                        because they gave the cops a hard time.

Me: Conservatives are always tough on crime,

when the perpetrators are those scary minorities.

The day Trump finally headed back to Mara Logo

A caller stated that we needed to keep Trump

and get rid of immigrants at the border.

Afterall, they were coming to steal our jobs.

Me: I noted that earlier in the week

Seventy new foreign workers were added to the staff

at Mar-a-Logo with all newly approved visas.

Caller: Our poor and are too rich.

They have cellphones and TVs.

Me: Dude, I so wish you would be in a homeless

person’s shoes for just one day.

There is no need for you to call and bitch about this.

Other than your check is in the mail from Richie Rich.

The war on poverty is over.

The rich won and they will never be rich enough.

I have to laugh about Hillary being criticized when she

called some people deplorables.



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