Monthly Archives: August 2011

WGWJC What Gun Would Jesus Carry?

Labor Day will soon be here on Monday, September 5, 2011. Labor Day is my favorite holiday because it celebrates the fact that the working-class were the backbone that made this country. Loving it as I do I’m always willing to start celebrating  it a little early. Come and join me doing just that as I have found the best way to respect our working-class forbearers. That is to hear them honored in the music of labor troubadour, Mike Stout. Mike will be singing at the Farmer’s Market outside the Unitarian Church Saturday September 3 2011 from 11-1 pm and it’s free. If you’ve heard Mike I know you’ll be there if you haven’t he’s not to be missed.

Christ Sanity

On Sunday, the Unity minister talked about his late grandmother.

She wore a hearing aid attached to a radio-like device around her neck.

When confronted by gossip

or any negative comments

she quite visibly

turned off the device.

She was all about

always being positive.

The minister then stressed

God is a god of love

and Jesus is the Prince of Pease.

Therefore, Christianity is about

the practice of love and peace.

So there is no need

to buy into negativity.

On my way Home from church,

I turn on the car radio

to 1440 AM out of Warren, Ohio.

Years ago, 1440 featured

Dr. Rock and oldies.

Now a days the station represents

ancient oldies from

the Old Testament

spun by lots of different

fundamentalist preachers.

They all spew forth hate

for women, gays, Moslems,

liberals and atheists.

The current radio’s minister

is talking about his love

for guns and the NRA

mixed with damning anyone

who was not “born again”

to the fiery depths of Hell.

This form of Christianity

was quite different from the

minister’s church I just left.

I wondered why anyone, given a choice

between the two ministers,

would ever worship

with the radio minister

who preaches hate and damnation.

I feel sorry for these

born againers as they

suffer brain damage

during the re-birth.

Music: MTV Best Videos With A Message Nominees

Making fun of born-again Christians is like hunting dairy cows with a high powered rifle and scope. ~ P.J. O’Rourke


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I Subcontracted Today’s Blog

No I am not being lazy by not writing a blog today. This is actually my 190th blog posting.  I think that makes me the second most prolific writer in the area. The number one is Stan who comments on, the Youngstown Vindicators online newspaper. Stan comments daily on almost every item or editorial on Stan is officially up to 8500 comments almost all taking a negative view. Stan posts are easy to see as he uses a photo of Hulk Hogan as his icon. Like Hulk I think Stan has taken a few too many blows to the head. Stan is not so much a Hulkamaniac as a maniac.

Anyway, I want to do some more talking about the war we middle-class are in and losing. It is the class war that the wealthy are claiming is unfairly targeting them. This is as the same kind of  bull shit some Christians in this country use. Christianity is the dominate religion in this country yet we have Christians crying that everyone is out to get them. It is like the role reversal of the tail wagging the dog. I wanted to do a piece on the current wagging going on by the corporate owned media out to protect the wealthy in this class war. As I was gathering some facts and figures, I came across a two-part video from The Daily Show with John Stewart doing a much better job that I could about what is going on in this war. So I want to let John do my job for me today as he is spot on.

See what I mean right here: Daily Show

Mrs. E and I stopped at Rulli Brothers Market in Boardman, Ohio this morning. Where else are you going to get bananas at the everyday low price of .29 lb. while boneless & skinless  chicken breast were on sale for $1.39 lb. These breast are so thick I fillet them down the middle. T-bone steaks were available for $5.99 lb. Rullis has many of their own products like spaghetti sauce, olive oil, salad dressing, wine etc. I can tell you Mrs. E and I have been very happy with all the Rulli brand  products. Quality products at reasonable prices.  Rullis has been in our valley since 1917 and it’s easy to see why.

Mojo Nixon: Burn Down the Malls

Dr. Laura Who Made You God?

Disney is the Enemy

The richest one percent of this country owns half our country’s wealth, five trillion dollars. One third of that comes from hard work, two thirds comes from inheritance, interest on interest accumulating to widows and idiot sons and what I do stock and real estate speculation. It’s bullshit. You got ninety percent of the American public out there with little or no net worth. I create nothing. I own. We make the rules, pal. The news, war, peace, famine, upheaval, the price per paper clip. We pick that rabbit out of the hat while everybody sits out there wondering how the hell we did it. Now you’re not naive enough to think we’re living in a democracy, are you buddy? It’s the free market. And you’re a part of it. You’ve got that killer instinct. Stick around pal, I’ve still got a lot to teach you.  ~ Gordon Gekko from the film, “Wall Street.”


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Elephants as Hypocrites

I have come to the conclusion that another word for a hypocrite is a conservative. One of the biggest political hypocrites is conservative Minnesota congresswoman, Michele Bachmann. She talks against government handouts but got a quarter million in farm subsidies and her husband gets paid by the government for some of the patients he sees at his clinic. Bachmann’s family farm received $251,973 in federal subsidies between 1995 and 2006. Bachmann could reject the money to set an example and not look like a hypocrite. Instead she takes the cash and votes for more corporate welfare and cuts to any form of social welfare.  She knows where her bread is buttered and she is not leaving any crumbs for you and I. Your taxes could be described as Wonder Bread. You go to work harvesting the wheat and baking the bread and then send it to D.C.  Next,  Michele and her ilk slice it and share it with their corporate friends and send the wrapper back so you can fill it again. Yep, you are left “wondering” where your bread went.

  Since the Koch brothers own and operate the Tea Party you won’t be seeing any teabaggers  protesting Bachmann’s  hypocrisy. The baggers will be protesting against any form of social welfare for their fellow middle-class members.  They will scream, “End socialism in America.” They of course don’t mean corporate socialism where their wealthy masters get our tax money instead of the people who really need it. If a conservative politician is railing against government “entitlements” it is time to bring in, McGruff the crime fighting dog to do some bloodhounding because that is surely a politician who is feasting at the public trough. These conservatives like to throw the term, “personal responsibility” around but that is for other people who have that annoying little trait called, integrity.

I don’t want to just pick on Michele Bachmann because there is a lot of conservative hypocrisy to go around. Representative  Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and his family have accepted around a million dollars from the socialist farm subsidy program. Grassley received over $283,000 of free government money for his farm subsidy in Butler county. Chuck Grassley’s son Robin got over $654,000. during the same time frame 1995-2005.  Republican  Representative Vicky Hartzler of Missouri received $774,489 in farm subsidies. Republican Representative Mark Stutzman of Indiana received $180,000 since 1997. “Tea Party Patriot”  Republican Stephen Fincher of Tennessee received $3,254,324 since 1995. Sam Brownback the GOP Senator from Kansas has received over $50,000 in tax payer farm subsides. His father and brother have received $605,000 for their farms in Kansas. Republican Senator Gordon Smith of Oregon has received $47,000. Since 1995 23 current members of Congress, mostly Republicans or their families, have collected some $12,671,166 in farm subsidies. I wish the teabaggers would be more honest with the signs they carry at rallies. They should say, “No more socialism except for my social security and my puppet master’s corporate welfare and farm subsidies. “

The hypocrisy with conservatives isn’t only about money issues. They are hypocrites when it comes to the “family values” B.S. also. The conservative’s God is Ronnie Reagan without question. Reagan never had a family gathering at the White House because he had a dysfunctional family that didn’t get along. Then we have NYC Mayor, Rudy Giuliani who brought his mistress into the Mayor’s mansion while his wife and children were still living there.  Here is a short list of “family value” conservatives who don’t practice what they preach.

Sen. Larry Craig,  R-Idaho, was arrested at the St. Paul Airport on suspicion of lewd conduct in a men’s restroom, where he was accused of soliciting an undercover police officer for sexual activity. Larry was an outspoken opponent of gay rights. The American Conservative Union rated Craig’s 2005 voting record at 96 out of 100 points.

Rep. Mark Foley, R-Florida, resigned after sexually explicit e-mails surfaced showing him harassing underage boys, one of them a 16-year-old who worked as a Capitol Hill page.

Sen. Strom Thurmond, R-South Carolina, was a segregationist who had sex with a 15-year-old black girl, which produced a daughter; then paid the family to keep the matter secret.

Rep. Donald “Buz” Lukens, R-Ohio, was found guilty of having sex with a female minor and sentenced to one month in jail.

Rep. Robert Bauman, R-Maryland was a an anti-gay activist who was charged with having sex with a 16-year-old boy he picked up at a gay bar.

Neal Horsely, militant anti-abortionist from Carrollton, Georgia, who admitted on Fox Radio News that he’d had sex with animals.

Donald Rumsfeld, former U.S. Defense Secretary. Authorized the abuse of children in Iraqi prisons in order to humiliate their parents into providing information about the anti-American insurgency.

Edison Misla Aldarondo, former Speaker of House of Representatives, Puerto Rico (U.S. territory) sentenced to ten years in prison for raping his daughter between the ages of 9 and 17.

Lou Beres, former chairman of the Oregon Christian Coalition confessed to molesting a 13-year-old girl.

Sen. Bob Packwood, R-Ore., resigned in 1995 amid allegations he had made unwanted sexual advances to 17 female employees and colleagues and altered his personal diaries to obstruct an ethics investigation.

I could go on and on with this list but I’d get carpal tunnel syndrome from typing. Let me give you the latest conservative hypocrite I came across fresh today.

Rep. Joe Walsh, R-Illinois, the tea party-backed Republican who was narrowly elected last year by vowing to bring fiscal responsibility to Washington. He has been one of President Barack Obama’s most outspoken critics during the standoff over the debt ceiling. He is being sued for more than $100,000 in unpaid child support.

Any time you hear a conservative vehemently bashing gays, the pro-choice movement and pushing “family values” you can bet they are a hypocrite that has a skeleton in the closet

Here is an hypocritical parasite who calls others parasites.

Mrs. E and I stopped at Casa de Tacos in Boardman, Ohio. They have great Mexican food and it’s very Elecpencil affordable. There are a few seats but it is  mostly take out. I want to go back on a Friday when they have fish tacos. Norma and Jerry Stevens moved here from LA to open Casa de Tacos. They love the area so you need to stop in and welcome them and get some of these fine dishes. Check out this video and I’m sure you’ll be looking for your car keys to get there.

Talking Heads: Don’t Worry About the Government

Love Comes to Town

A third tune because I want to keep dancing: Take Me to the River

A hypocrite is the kind of politician who would cut down a redwood tree, then mount the stump and make a speech for conservation. ~ Adlai E. Stevenson


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Old McDonald’s Farm 21st Century Style


McDonald’s is a burger chain,


And at this burger chain, they’ve sold

over 8 billion cardboard burgers here

With minimum wage workers there

and Styrofoam containers polluting everywhere,


Small farmers were replaced with corporate farms


and on these corporate farms they have

genetically altered seeds here

and steroid injected cows there

and pesticides everywhere


Wal-Mart is your one stop Super Store


and at this Super Store they have

low paid red vested associates here

with aisles of sweatshop products there

putting mom & pop stores out of business everywhere


Now it’s, Starbucks, and Home Depot

No more independent bookstores here

Or corner coffee shops there

Gone are neighborhood hardware stores everywhere


All went according to corporate plans

Workers were brutalized and downsized here

Consumers were hypnotized and dogmatized there

And the public was carbonized and homogenized everywhere


Now monopolies own the world

And we’re fucked fucked here

And fucked fucked there

And fucked fucked everywhere


The late great Fela Kuti: Sorrow Tears and Blood

Zombie (Child Soldiers)

Femi Kuta carries on his fathers tradition: Truth Don Die

You rise as high as your dominant aspiration, you descend to the level of your lowest concept of yourself. Free your mind and your ass will follow. – Funkadelic, Good Thoughts, Bad Thoughts

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