Monthly Archives: February 2024

Nature Will Punish Us for Our Sins

Wetlands really suck.

It’s absolutely true.

Plants in wetlands suck carbon

from the Earth’s atmosphere.

The soil in wetlands stores a third

of the world’s carbon dioxide.

It is stored in the decomposed

organic layer of soil known as peat.           

Harvesting and burning peat from wetlands

to warm homes contributes to global warming.

Peat is an even more damaging fuel than coal.

My heart goes out to my poor Irish ancestors.

They thought they were providing for their families

in the winter, by burning peat in their hearths.

The irony is that these parents were introducing

invisible assassins of toxic gases and carcinogens

into the sanctuary that was their home.

The small particles from burning peat

enters lungs, bloodstreams,

then hearts and brains.

It can lead to asthma, diabetes,

dementia, miscarriage, and cancer.

In 2018 Irish children’s lungs and

Mother Nature’s wetlands got a break.

The government sought to protect wetlands.

Saying, “Wetlands are much more valuable

to us as bogs rather than as fuel.”

By 2023 protection for Irish bogs went up in smoke

as households burned peat to save on energy bills.

The soaring cost of oil and gas brought back

the ancient practice of cutting and burning peat.

In the U.S. we lose 60,000 acres of wetlands a year.

We have politicians who deny climate change.

Their corporate benefactors look at all

environmental regulations as an inconvenience

to their quest for profit maximization.

The health of the Earth and its people

is not even considered in the equation.

The U.S. Supreme Court sides with capital

over Mother Nature, and the good of the people.

In the war of profit over planet,

leaving the wetlands be wetlands

is a battle we need to win.

“The goal of life is living in agreement with nature,” ~ Zeno

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