Monthly Archives: April 2020

Looking for Karma

What’s happening now was inevitable.

We’ve failed to stop gun violence against our children

and only offer their families thoughts and prayers.

We’ve ignored the kids in cages.

We’ve ignored homeless veterans.

We said little when Trump trashed a Gold Star family.

We ignored Trump trashing U.S. prisoners of war.

We ignored Trump making fun of a disabled reporter.

We were asked to believe in alternative facts

and to ignore scientific facts about climate change.

A Ukrainian blackmail scandal didn’t wake people up.

The president being impeached didn’t wake people up.

When Trump said he could get away with shooting

someone in the middle of Fifth Ave. we didn’t blink.

Now he is killing thousands of us on Main Street

while he talks about the ratings on his TV briefings.

And this soulless monster thinks he can get re-elected.

All of these terrible problems Trump has given us

and yet his mega-MAGA followers still proudly

have Trump signs and banners in their yards.

They have no shame and want four more years of this madness.

Pulpit pimps tell us to ignore isolation and attend their churches,

and listen to their hate-filled sermons blaming

gays, liberals and Feminists for our current plague.

They want the pews full so they can fill up those collection baskets

with so many church tax free dollars that the counting machines short circuit.

The preacher’s spew the Prosperity Gospel message, that greed is good.

The churches are on board with the GOP

and their state media FOX News’ agenda.

That is for the elderly to die for the economy.

It’s not what God wants for his people.

It’s what conservative’s demand of their sheeple.

These supposed compassionate conservatives

and religious pro-life folks today consider the elderly

an expendable useless “surplus population”

that needs to hurry up and die to make the economy grow.

If Karma does really exist these, wealth over health

soulless, heatless, greedy Hell bound monsters

would be the ones to lose their lives in this epidemic.

If so, we’ll offer up some thoughts and prayers.


Bob Dylan: “Murder Most Foul”

“Thoughts & prayers” is bullshit but I’ve come across a better statement: “How can I help?”~ LadyLifa









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Doctors on Parade

President Trump is doing daily TV briefings

on the Coronavirus that he escalated by ignoring

it for many months until its deadly arrival.

These daily conferences feature immunologist Dr. Fauci,

the Director of the National Institute of Infectious Diseases.

Dr. Fauci gives his expert advice about fighting the virus

Then President Fuckup disputes the facts, the doctor has just given.

It further turns into a train wreck when Trump argues with reporters.

Trump considers the Coronavirus pandemic

a pesky inconvenient interruption of his golf outings.

But he does love the rating these conferences are getting.

Rumor is that the president is going to replace his co-star Dr. Fauci.

FOX New has suggested TV’s great and powerful, Dr. Oz.

Never mind, that Oz was dragged in front of congress

for fraudulently shilling miracle cure vitamins on his TV show,

that were found to have more fillers than vitamins in them.

Trump looks very favorably on such fellow grifters.

If Oz turns down the job, Trump will change channels on his TV

and shoot for Dr. Who, Dr. Doogie Howser MD or Dr. Pimple-popper.

Maybe he could get a doctor that graduated from Trump University.

Dr. Phil won’t be considered because Trump

doesn’t want a shrink to be anywhere near him.

Any real doctor would quickly diagnose that Trump

has a malignant puss filled lump between his shoulders.

Trump did a recent daily virus update reading a long list

of scapegoats in an attempt to distract from his administration’s

missteps in slowing the spread of the coronavirus.

Attacking Democratic governors, the media, the Federal inspector general,

the Obama administration, China and the World Health Organization.

Trump recently had the My Pillow Guy with him at the podium.

As if, he was some expert that our citizens needed info from.

I do think the My Pillow Guy could help save our country,

if he would just firmly hold a pillow over the Presidents face

while telling him it was a safety virus mask.

Roy Harper: “One of Those Days in England”

I Hate the White Man”

We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.” – Native American Proverb




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Reality TV Kills

A failed casino owner,

failed steak salesman,

failed vodka pitchman,

fraudulent university owner,

six time bankrupt businessman,

TV game show host,

who cheated on his pregnant wife

with an x-rated porn star,

was elected president of the U.S.

by the Electoral College,

after losing by 3 million votes

in the general election.

Donald J. Trump was now president.

The majority of the country was angry,

over the Electoral College results.

This time it “Wasn’t about the economy stupid.”

It was about white Trump supporters

fearing a black and brown America.

I remember eight Trump supporters

in cowboys hats surrounding a banner

declaring “We Survived Obama

You’ll Survive Trump.”

As of April 16, 2020 the US has 28,593 dead

all from Trump’s incompetence

of ignoring this deadly epidemic.

The death count increases daily,

with no forseeable end in sight.

While our streets are lined with bodies

Trump has found ways to line his pockets.

Trump the reality star of “The Apprentice,”

has made us all the cast of “Survivor.”

“Helping those in need is not charity, it’s humanity.”
― Abhijit Naskar

Family Lockdown Boogie 

All Day Long Song


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