Monthly Archives: December 2023

Summer De-stress

Stop the car and pull it over, the driver heard.

Two schoolteachers and a school speech therapist,

jumped out of the minivan in a bank parking lot.

The van’s radio played, “Girls Just Want to Have Fun.”

These three educators were dancing and singing.

They weren’t drunk (yet) and just wanted to have fun.

It was summer and they were on vacation.

They had come to Cape Hatteras to relieve stress.

They wanted to have fun before the school year started.

Fun before teaching in behavior-problem classrooms.

Fun before these troubled kids beat on them.

Fun before the kid’s parents disrespected them.

Fun before a school board of businesspeople and realtors,

who had never taught told them how and what to teach.

Fun before new contract negotiations

that would still make them underpaid.

Fun before the taxpayers would vote against

even renewing the present school levy.

Fun before returning to their thankless jobs.

Fun, fun dancing to thank the Outer Banks sun.

Same time next summer.

“Teachers are sort of faced with a thankless task, because no matter how good they are, unless they find a way to personally rationalize the rewards of their effort, nobody else is really going to do it for them en masse.” ~ Julius Erving


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Unanswered Prayers of the Power-Hungry

There is something seriously wrong with their prayers.

That is why God is not answering these Evangelical pastors.

God is not concerned with their prosperity Bible,

which separates their flocks from their cash.

God knows these pastors are more concerned

about power than following the words of Jesus.

That is why they have decided to get into politics.

Don’t you remember that famous Jesus quote

‘’The end justifies the means.”

That means right-wing pastors are now

worshipping Trump as the orange messiah.

They turned their backs on God himself

for Trump and the allure of power.

Trump played upon evangelicals’ fears and grievances.

He got them to abandon their Christian principles.

They want the United States and its government,

to be shaped by their hate-filled religious beliefs.

Beliefs not compatible with traditional Christianity.

They reject actual Christian values of helping the poor

caring for the homeless and welcoming weary immigrants.

Remember when Christians put on white hoods

and burned crosses on the lawns of black families?

The current crop of “Christian” fanatics are “KKK Lite.”

They support violence as legitimate free speech.

This violence is aimed at minorities and women.

They are what our founding fathers warned us about

and fled places in Europe to get away from.

Right-wing pastors have decided Trump is their messiah.

By refusing to speak against him, they support his threats,

his crimes, his sexual violence, his adultery,

and his promise to destroy anyone who opposes him.

My Bible never said Jesus threatened nonbelievers,

but it does say to repent and ask forgiveness.

Trump has bragged about never asking

for forgiveness for anything.

When you make a deal with the Devil,

know that you end up in his domain.

Perhaps I’m wrong and missed some huge religious event?

Did God recently speak through a burning bush?

Did he say, “Do you remember those Ten Commandments?

The ones I dictated to Moses on Mt. Sinai?

Yeah, forget all about that holy-roller stuff.

Living like Donald Trump is what I meant all along!”

“The evangelical support of Trump will be an indictment against its validity as a Christian movement for generations to come.” ~ Richard Rohr



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God damn this is the last thing I need to see.

It’s Thanksgiving time, the busiest time to travel.

I’m waiting to catch a plane at the San Juan airport.

My stomach has been very upset for two days.

That is not good when you’ve got a five-hour flight.

I don’t like flying even when I’m feeling 100%.

My wife suggests I get out my cell phone

and read something interesting to relax.

I’m behind on the news so I check out

the latest in the New York Times.

The first article I see shouts out,

“Drunk and Asleep on the Job:

Air Traffic Controllers Pushed to the Brink.”

The New York Times investigated and found

a nationwide shortage of controllers has resulted

in an exhausted and demoralized workforce

increasingly prone to making dangerous mistakes.

To help fill the shortage gap, many controllers work

six-day weeks and overtime hours clocked

by controllers tripled over the past decade.

Exhausted controllers have made travel more dangerous.

Dangerous close calls have been happening,

on average, multiple times a week this year, 

In the fiscal year that ended Sept. 30, there were

503 air traffic control lapses categorized as “significant,

The Times found the combination of six-day workweeks and

round-the-clock schedules has caused controllers

to develop physical and mental health problems. 

A Jacksonville controller hyperventilated and struggled

to stand after two hours of directing heavy plane traffic.

I totally understand as reading this news article

has made me hyperventilated and struggle to stay calm.

You really didn’t think I was ending a poem

without getting political, did you?

Ever since the Reagan administration fired

11,359 controllers on strike

there has been a struggle to keep pace

with the waves of retirements.

They were on strike against unsafe conditions

that were caused by long work hours.

Reagan has been dead for twenty years

and his policies are still destroying this country.

Support workers by getting your ass out and vote.

Your life might well depend on it.

“”We have the most outdated and I would say obsolete system in almost the entire world,” he added. “There are 60 countries at last count that have better and newer, you know, updated systems to control air traffic.” ~ United Airlines CEO, Oscar Munoz


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