Monthly Archives: May 2023

Call Me a Traitor

There are two hundred million US guns.

This means that common mistakes like,

wrong driveway, wrong door,

wrong car, kids’ ball rolling

in the wrong neighbor’s yard

or a fun game of hide and seek

can instantly be a death sentence.

Especially, if you are the wrong color.

A black girl scout was shot through a door.

Shot by a scared white man,

jacked up on racism and dread

by hatertainment like FOX News

and AM right-wing talk radio.

These lies instill fear and feed hair-triggered

paranoid judge and jury gun carrying executioners.

More random mass shooting means

more gun sales, which makes the NRA happy.

At the NRA lobbying forum in Indiana,

Governor Kristi Noem of South Dakota

told the audience about her own family.

She said her two-year-old granddaughter,

Addie already has a shotgun and a rifle.

The audience broke into a cheer.

Moments later she was joined on stage

by NRA’s CEO, Wayne LaPierre.

I guess Addie’s parents think she

is going to be the good guy.

protecting her fellow classmates at pre-school.

In Uvalde, Texas at a school mass shooting,

a ten-year-old girl smeared blood on her face,

to make the shooter think she was dead.

Meanwhile, the police didn’t rush the building

because they feared the shooters AR-15 battle rifle.

And yet, conservative politicians want to arm teachers.

In 2014 UC Santa Barbara had a mass shooting.

The parents of the dead received an open letter.

It was from the infamous, “Joe the Plumber.”

He said the shooting deaths of these young people

should not get in the way of his right to bear arms.

Here we are a decade later and gun owners

are still apathetic to mass murders.

They fight against any changes in gun legislation.

Daily mass shootings are like a deadly virus

with no lifesaving vaccine in sight.

No one has yet created bulletproof kids.

The GOP plan is to take kids out of schools

and put them to work in logging, mining,

heavy manufacturing and as bartenders.

Politicians are owned by the gun lobby.

That means they will not enact any law

stopping weapons of war on our streets.

Corporations own these same politicians.

So, they want to weaken child labor laws.

There is only one solution to protect our kids

from mass shooters and politicians.

Call me a traitor if you like but we need

to get a civilized nation to invade us.

Are you listening Canada, Switzerland,

the United Kingdom and Japan?

“Only in America can one be pro-death penalty, pro-war, pro-unmaned drone bombs, pro-nuclear weapons, pro-guns, pro-torture, pro-land mines, and still call yourself pro-life.” ~ John Fugelsang


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Comparing Exports

What a bunch of spiritually pretentious,

self-righteous, intolerant, troublemakers.

They favored monotony, dullness, and pettiness.

In other words, God damn killjoys.

These Puritans believed they were chosen

by God to go forth and redeem the world.

They wore out their welcome

in seventeen century, England.

Their pious asses were

exported to the new world.

Once they hit our shores,

they became land-stealing,

Native American massacring,

witch-burning religious zealots.

These genocidal thieves went on to

imprison Baptists and execute Quakers.

There was nothing “Godly.”

about any of those things.

They loved America because here,

there was no justice for their crimes.

The god they eventually came to worship

was greed, money, and guns.

Not a very good foundation for a “New World.”

About a hundred years later England,

exported many of their convicts,

to penal colonies in Australia.

The prisoners-built roads, bridges,

hospitals, courthouses, and public buildings.

They were also smart enough to construct

a wall to separate church and state.

In Australia in 1996 a shooter killed

35 people at a café and tourist spot.

Australians who value life

more than firearms

unlike Americans, were outraged.

Their Legislature enacted strict gun laws,

which made their country much safer.

Those convicts surely passed down better morals,

then the phony Christians that America got.

As far as I can see Australia got the better

of England’s export.

‘The Puritans left England for America not because they couldn’t be Puritans in their mother country, but because they were not allowed to force others to become Puritans; in the New World of course they could and did.”  ~ Gore Vidal

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