Monthly Archives: July 2020

Metal Deposits

I just got a new left titanium knee.

One for my right knee waits in a warehouse.

I couldn’t afford both knees at once,

as I’m retired and nickel-and-diming.

I’m using an iron will to do painful exercises,

to strengthen my knee and get buns of steel.

My summer bronze skin is now,

black, blue and copper bruised.

All these pain meds are now proving

that I don’t have a cast-iron stomach.

Luckily, my wife is putting up with my moaning.

I’m blessed because she has a heart of gold.

She’s a very smart blonde,

not a platinum fake blonde.

I was lucky to win her in my younger days,

when I had a silver tongue and balls of brass.

She is now my cheerleader, nurse and chauffeur.

Which has given my lead foot a needed rest.

Sleep has become a cherished hidden treasure

that is buried much deeper than I can find.

My mind is like a steel trap

but my once rock steady nerves of steel

have no support because of my lack of balance.

Look around at our nation and you’ll see

troubled times where our metal is being tested.

We have to seek balance and equality.

We need to acknowledge that,

we are all unique rare precious

metals to be cherished.

Remember real gold is not

afraid of the melting pot

and the finest steel has to go

through the hottest fires.


Will Hoge: “Gilded Walls”

“Still a Southern Man”

Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.

~ Charles R. Swindoll




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