Monthly Archives: March 2022

Two Poems

Stealing Time

The best way to save your sanity

is to write some poetry.

And the best place to write

is at your jobsite.

Ignore the workday chime,

steal some company time,

write a rap or a rhyme

and do it on company time.

Jump in and get you feet wet.

Don’t worry about being a poet laureate.

The best environment to write prose

Is right under the boss’s nose.

But for goodness sake.

don’t write on your coffee break.

Roman Revisionist History

Researchers have made

an important new discovery.

They’ve discovered what caused

ancient Rome to fall.

Rome fell because it lost

it’s Greek style democracy.

It was lost because the citizens of Rome

refused to register to vote

because they didn’t want to serve on jury duty.

“We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospect.”
–Anaïs Nin


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Dr. Seuss Goes Working Class

I ran across this poem I wrote back when GW was president. I thought it still had something to say.

Get to work on time.

Overtime is mandatory

because the company owns your ass.

Work man, work, toil man, toil.

You’ve become a corporate tool.

Your family no longer recognizes you

because you now live at work.

Work man, work, toil man, toil.

Like all of America,

you’re in debt out the wazoo.

So, you drag your tired ass to work.

You’ve given your

blood, sweat and life

to this company.

Work man, work, toil man, toil.

The US gives tax breaks to companies who move overseas.

President Bush says outsourcing is good.

You wonder why you voted for Bush.

What the hell were you thinking?

Then you remember, your beloved NRA told you to.

Work man, work, toil man, toil.

They moved your company to Mexico,

vamoose without an adios amigo.

You worked man, worked.

You toiled man, toiled.

You’re too old to get another job

and too young to retire

because congress keeps raising the retirement age.

No work man, work, no payday man. 

At least Bush let you keep your gun.

You can use it to hunt or to rob a bank to feed your family.

Worse comes to worst you can

use it to end your misery.

No work man, no payday.

You had that “Lock em up and throw away the key”

conservative Republican mentality.

Now that you’re a have not,

you’re having criminal thoughts.

No work man, no payday.

While you were out hunting, job hunting

an endangered species in these days of globalization,

your family left your broke ass.

Not very sporting is it, sportsman for Bush,

as your bumper sticker declares.

Poverty is bad for family values,

so, you’re fucked man fucked.

Welcome to America’s future poor man,

broke ass man, discarded man

American working class man.

‘”Capitalism cannot survive without a working class, the working class can flourish a lot more freely without capitalism.” ~ Terry Eagleton


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Stationary Repetition

Jane chain smokes several packs a day.

She puts on facial cream every night,

expecting miracles for her skin and wrinkles.

After all, the commercials said it would help.

John drives his Hummer getting 7mpg.

At every one of his fill-ups,

he bitches about those damn Arabs,

having our country by the balls.

Bob calls talk radio daily and rants

about problems in the community.

It’s easier than actually putting

shoe leather to pavement

and doing something himself.

People say things have got to change

and pull the lever for another D or R.

In a few years when things still need to change,

they once again pull the lever for another D or R.

In the end we are Sisyphus daily rolling

a huge bolder endlessly up a very steep hill.

That meaningless repetition should not be our obituary.

“The Change we dread most may contain our salvation.” ~ Barbara Kingsolver

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The Average Working-Class Joe

The Average Joe was

always the backbone

of American society.

In the time of war, it was

G.I. Joe that put his life

on the line for his nation.

After years of concessions

in the industrial sector,

Joe Six-Pack is now

whittled down Joe Three-Pack.

He could just as easily be;

Joe Bag O’ Donuts turned into

Joe Bag O’ Donut Holes,

or Joe Shmoe who became

Joe ain’t got no dough.

One thing is for sure

he will never be called, Joe Millionaire.

Joe caused his own downfall,

by voting for Richie Rich.

You see, Richie gets richer,

when Joe gets poorer.

You’ve got to love Capitalism.

Especially, if you’re Richie.

“Capitalism is the astounding belief that the most wickedest of men will do the most wickedest of things for the greatest good of everyone.” – John Maynard Keynes


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