Monthly Archives: July 2022

Lather, Rinse and Repeat Politics

Grover Norquist the anti-tax lobbyist

is called the “billionaire’s best friend.”

He keeps the GOP in line and makes sure

they protect tax breaks for the wealthy

and give billions in federal subsidies

to America’s wealthiest corporations.

He stated, “My goal is to cut government

 and get it down to the size where

we can drown it in the bathtub.”

The GOP uses tax cuts for the rich

 to increase the national deficit.

When the GOP gets us in debt

and tanks the economy, they say

we need to cut social programs.

They want to drown policies like;

Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security

and policies that aid the general welfare

of the needy and the average American.

Norquist and Republicans do not want to drown

government policies benefitting the greedy rich

or their corporate donors.

When the Democrats get in power

they cut the deficit significantly.

The voters then go back and put the GOP

in power and it becomes lather, rinse, and repeat,

all over and the GOP suffers no consequences.

With no consequences we get no change.

The “prosperity gospel” flipped Christ’s teachings.

Now we have the message that greed is good

and that we should blame the poor for their plight.

Many Americans have taken single issue bait

and vote for the party of the wealthy.

A large percent of our citizens don’t bother

to vote in any of our elections.

The GOP looked at that and has decided

we do not care at all about Democracy.

They have decided to make voting

as hard a process as they can.

Will you finally decide to vote,

or let democracy commit suicide?

“The vote is the most nonviolent tool we have.” ~ John Lewis

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Choices 2.0

Secret you almost told your neighbor

white nightgown

dawn dabbler

new moon

whisper of parchment on a full moon

harvest of parchment

wheat before harvest

cream of wheat

Jersey cream

butter on toast

toasted marshmallow

hint of vanilla


almond cream


iced frost

frost before morning

morning dew

dew drops on edelweiss

toasted snow

whisper of snow

snow before it melts

slightly melted snow

total blizzard

white out

eye of the hurricane


swan’s down on newly mown lawn

pinch of white pepper


sails on the seven seas

baby’s breath


white you wish you’d never seen



I needed white paint, and these were a few of my choices

out of five hundred chips in the “white” section at Sherwin Williams.

Overwhelmed, I struggled for a long time making up my mind.

This is what is referred to as a “first-world problem.”

“Blessed are the poor, for they shall have very few choices.”

I think Jesus said that.

“I think that in modern America, we have far too many options for breakfast cereal and not enough options for president.”
― Barry Schwartz, The Paradox of Choice: Why More Is Less


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