Monthly Archives: October 2023

Bootstrap B.S.

Holes in jeans should not be a pre-ripped fashion.

They should be worn by qualified individuals only.

People who worked hard and wore them out at the workplace.

As for the workforce, AI will replace them.

With so many unemployed will the economy be destroyed?

Conservative politicians and right-wing talk radio hosts,

will give us their predictable reaction to our being in need?

You know, “Pull yourself up by your own bootstraps.”

Never mind that the AI workers are the only ones

who can still afford a pair of boots.

Hey Mr. Politician and Mr. Talk Radio,

try working on world hunger & world peace

while you are bootstrapping problems.

Or how about that unbreathable air?

Or that water full of lead?

Or food full of chemicals?

Now leprosy and malaria are back!

Welcome to reality.

Not much fun, is it?

Young people prefer to live in virtual reality

instead of living in real life.

They may be on to something

or they are on something.

It is our fault, as we have handed them a world

where greedy billionaires are not satisfied

with owning our so-called, “representatives.”

They have also decided to buy the Supreme Court.

The one percenters own the media and are using it

to brainwash our nation’s citizens.

Brainwashing power washes the truth away.

The powers that be want us to quarrel over 

refugees crossing the border,

what women can do with their own bodies,

the color of someone’s skin,

what books we can read,

over real American history,

whether or not someone is gay or a drag queen.

They want us focused on anything but the inequities

and the lack of justice in this country.

I have recently had grandkids and I want better for them.

How about you?

“Future generations are not going to ask us what political party were you in. They are going to ask what did you do about it, when you knew the glaciers were melting.” Martin Sheen


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