Monthly Archives: December 2020

Prospering On Pain

Billionaires added $931 billion to their net worth

During 2020’s corona pandemic that plagued the world,

Meanwhile, 25 million Americans are unemployed.

More than one in three are having trouble,

Paying their usual household expenses.

One in six adults with children lacked

Sufficient food in the last seven days.

19.8 million Americans have caught the virus

And 0ver 343,000 have died from it.

Country singer Charley Pride is now able

To “Kiss an Angel Good Morning” as the virus took him.

Four Seasons doo-wop singer Tommy DeVito sang

“Ain’t it a Shame” and it’s a shame the virus killed him.

Temptation, Bruce Williamson who sang, “Get Ready”

Wasn’t ready to die of corona at just forty-nine.

Trini Lopez sang a version of “This Land is Your Land.”

The pandemic sent him to a land beyond on August 11, 2020

John Prine is now singing, “Angel from Montgomery”

To real angels in his new peaceful “Paradise.”

Heaven was in need of a great Gospel singer

and called home Grammy nominated Troy Sneed.

I’m sure Joe Diffie the country music “Pickup Man”

Is now propped up alongside Heaven’s Jukebox.

Dawn Wells, who as Mary Ann survived three years,

Stranded on “Gilligan’s Island” but not Corona-19.

I remember as a youngster that my peers

Were either in love with Ginger or Mary Ann.

Ginger had the eyes of young boys

But Mary Ann had their hearts.

My eyes and heart were both for Avenger

Mrs. Emma Peel, English actress, Diana Rigg.

A British television host described her

As the most desirable woman he ever met.

She passed in 2020 not from the corona virus

But from lung cancer from her pack a day habit.

Tobacco, another plague that kills so many of us,

While the capitalist who sell it get wealthier.

Here’s hoping that in 2021 our planet gets healthier.

“If 2020 Was a Song”

 “So far, 2020 is like looking both ways before you cross the street then getting hit by an airplane.” —Unknown


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