Monthly Archives: January 2021

Senior Citizen

Acapulco Gold to Golden Ages

Yesterday, I awoke and looked in the bathroom mirror.

I saw a teenager with acne staring at me.

I went to my paper box and got the daily newspaper.

I opened it and went right to the comic page.

I called up my undocumented street pharmacist

And went and purchased some killer weed.

Today, I awoke, and looked in the bathroom mirror

I saw an old guy with age spots staring at me.

I went to my paper box and got the daily newspaper.

I opened it went right to the obituaries.

I got in my SUV and went to the hardware store

Where I purchased some weed killer.


Out to Pasture

I’m at that age where the first thing I read

In the local daily newspaper are the obituaries.

I’ve never been into any kind of sports

So I find obituaries that declare the deceased

Was a lifelong Cleveland Browns fan really sad.

A lifelong Pittsburgh Steeler fan is even sadder.

The saddest obit says the deceased

Loved to tinker in their garden.

A garden robbed me of my youth.

I didn’t let it rob me of my adulthood.

I want my obituary to declare

He never wrote a poetry book

Because he preferred reading

 his fresh crop of poems live

and hearing other poet’s fresh produce.

He was a lifelong poetry farmer.

“May our obituaries someday say–preferably after we’re dead, of course–that we lived in peace, in love, and mostly in grace”
― Jaime Jo Wright, The Reckoning at Gossamer Pond

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