Monthly Archives: October 2008

Jesus Hussein Christ

After spending a long time doing some historic research I’ve made an important discovery. I know you’ve often heard Jesus Christ called, Jesus H. Christ. Well my extensive research shows that the H. stands for HUSSEIN.

Yep, Jesus was a Moslem. I know this is going to shake up the Christian world because they never liked the idea that people thought that Jesus was Jewish. Jesus Hussein Christ, Jesus Hussein Christ, Jesus Hussein Christ say it with me. There, we just caused some Christian McCain supporters to have strokes!

I am sure my research will drive some Christian leaders insane. Then again aren’t many of them already insane? Let me give you some examples of their insanity: First from Phyllis Schlafly a right-wing icon who founded the Eagle Forum,who was central in derailing the Equal Rights Amendment. Schlafly a firm believer in the use of nuclear weapons, once pronounced “the atomic bomb” is a marvelous gift that was given to our country by a wise God.”

Pat Robertson (Christian Coalition): “You say you’re supposed to be nice to the Episcopalians and the Presbyterians and the Methodists and this, that, and the other thing. Nonsense, I don’t have to be nice to the spirit of the Antichrist.”

Paul Cameron: “I think that actually AIDS is a guardian. That is I think it was sent, if you would, about forty years ago, to destroy Western civilization unless we change our sexual ways. So it’s really a Godsend.”

Randall Terry (Operation Rescue): “I want you to just let a wave of intolerance wash over. I want you to let a wave of hatred wash over you. Yes, hate is good…Our goal is a Christian nation. We have a biblical duty; we are called by God to conquer this country. We don’t want equal time. We don’t want pluralism.”

Also: “When I, or people like me, are running the country, you’d better flee, because we will find you, we will try you, and we’ll execute you. I mean every word of it. I will make it part of my mission to see to it that they are tried and executed.”*

Robert T. Lee (Society for the Practical Establishment of the Ten Commandments): Democracy originated in the mind of a rational being who has the deepest hatred for God.” “Do you realize that the only thing that gives democracy existence is sin? The absence of democracy is perfect obedience to god.”

Star Parker (Coalition on Urban Renewal & Education): “Anybody that believes in separation of church and state needs to leave right now.”

Joseph Morecraft (Chalcedon Presbyterian Church): “Nobody has the right to worship on this planet any other God than Jehovah. And therefore the state does not have the responsibility to defend anybody’s pseudo-right to worship an idol.”

Jerry Falwell: “If you’re not a born-again Christian, you’re a failure as a human being.”

J. B. Stoner (White Supremacist): “We had lost the fight for the preservation of the white race until God himself intervened in earthly affairs with AIDS to rescue and preserve the white race that he had created…. I praise God all the time for AIDS.”

“AIDS is a racial disease of Jews and Niggers, and fortunately it is wiping out the queers. I guess God hates queers for several reasons. There is one big reason to be against queers and that is because every time some white boy is seduced by a queer into becoming a queer, means his white bloodline has run out.”

It’s even scarier when politicians make religious wacko quotes.

George Bush Sr. (President of the United States): “I don’t know that atheists should be considered citizens, nor should they be considered patriots. This is one nation under God.”

Ronald Reagan (President of the United States): “For the first time ever, everything is in place for the Battle of Armageddon and the Second Coming of Christ.”

We survived Reagan,two Bushes and the will of the above Christian wackos and I’m suppose to fear Obama because his middle name is Hussein?

Jesus H. (Hussein) Christ what is wrong with that nut case Joe the dumb plumber? More on that tomorrow.

America owns Jesus. Bad religion sing:American Jesus

Jesse James sings Dear Jesus:Dear Jesus

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Heaven is Not Segregated

If we can get on You Tube and view videos filled with racial hate by white trash Americans aimed at Obama don’t you think the rest of the world can? Don’t you think bin Laden can easily show these videos of American racists for the purpose of recruiting terrorists? These recruited terrorists will hate the white trash Americans for hating anyone who isn’t white and Christian. The Arab terrorists will figure if these Americans in the videos hate their own countrymen for not being white Christian they are certainly no people you’d want to be setting foot on your soil. So as you can see hate is a vicious circle.

The thing is some of these foreign countries think all Americans are like the racist Americans you see in these videos. I am not calling for a ban on videos showing these racists against the Obama campaign. I don’t believe in censoring the media. I’m for calling these racists UN-AMERICAN. They want to label anyone who doesn’t think like them un-American but the truth is people preaching racism are more than un-American they are terrorists.

I am ashamed to live in a country with folks like the ones in these videos. They call themselves Christians but they make as much of a mockery of the bible as Al-Qaeda does of the Koran.

See what I mean by these subhumans in Ohio: racists

A guy in a Confederate hat who’s not a racist? Las Vegas racists

More Vegas: racists

Then you’ve got racists in the media: racist media

Racists in PA: Pa racists

A racist biker shows he has brain damage after a wreck not wearing a helmet. How else would you explain this T-shirt: racist biker

Millions listen to this racist everyday: radio racist

Listening to racists like Rush and Hannity leads folks to this: assasins

Nietzsche said, “The last Christian died on the cross.” There are lots of Christians about that prove him right.

Eliza Gilkyson sings about the Man of God: Man of


Cure for racism and hate: cure

Sing it Bob!

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Of Holy Books to Rick

I got up this morning with every intention of going to a memorial at YSU’s Planetarium for Rick Perko. The arthritis in my back, knee and bursitus in my hip had other plans for me. By afternoon I was able to try and speed limp out to the mailbox. I was rewarded with my monthly invite to join AARP and a free copy of, “Arthritis Today.” Nothing like kicking a guy when he’s down and adding insult to injury.

Since I didn’t make it to YSU I’d like to say this about Rick:

I got to know Rick Perko as a fellow member of the Valley Co-alition of Peace and Justice. I enjoyed talking to Rick while we held signs at Friday afternoon protests against the Iraq war. I remember reading a Letter to the Editor of the Jambar Rick had written. I discussed it with him while protesting telling him how much I liked what he had written.

This to YSU’s Jambar 2/10/05: Jambar letter

Digging up that letter I note how Rick was sure right about where the Bush economy was headed. I laughed aloud when I read, “I hoard my Canadian Quarters.”

I’m Rick’s age and only wish that I had been able to accomplish half as mush at Rick did in his lifetime.

Being a religious skeptic like Rick and hearing the story of him removing bibles from hotel rooms I’m posting this poem (posted here as an article to save space) I wrote some time ago. I hope he would have liked it:

Of Holy Books

Christians are portraying Moslems who follow their holy book, the Koran as intolerant murderers, criminals and terrorists. Some Christians are saying, atrocities such as the attack on 9/11 can easily be attributed to the prophet Mohammed and the god, Allah. They point out Koran verses that preach hate like the following: “Don’t associate with those of other faiths.” “Don’t receive them into you home or even exchange greetings with them.” Others who don’t share your beliefs have an “evil heart.”

It gets even more intolerant when you read; “God destroys those who don’t believe in him.” When the god in this supposed “Holy Book” isn’t killing someone, which he seems to do on many pages, he is ordering his followers to kill any friends or family that worships a god different than him. He says to kill them in their very own church. He orders, “Kill all inhabitants of any city where people worship different than you.” There are holy verses that call for the elimination of entire ethnic groups including women, children, animals and even trees. He tells his followers to, hide along the road wait for women and then kidnap, rape and marry them. This god tells his followers you are “of God” and everyone else is wicked.

You best believe there’s a lot to fear from this faith when you read, “Everyone will have to worship the prophet—whether they want to or not.” They place themselves above all laws by the verse, “A follower cannot be accused of any wrongdoing.” I’ve only scratched the surface of the hate and evil deeds in this so called, “Holy Book.”
Knowing that their faith could crumble if it were to under go any free and critical thinking, this prophet tells his followers to avoid philosophy. That just proves that ignorance is bliss.

Surely this hate-filled book should never be in a library. It should also never be allowed in a school. Banning it is just not enough. All copies of it need to be immediately burned. If I were a politician who espoused “family values,” I’d strike the first match. Clerics of every religion should be calling for a funeral pyre of this unholy book. It’s little wonder that its followers’ fight constant wars and justify them.

I did extensive research that buried my desk in a pyramid of paper to write this poem. Gathering so much info can get confusing. That’s my excuse because I have just realized, oops, my bad, the aforementioned verses are really from the Bible’s Old and New Testaments, instead of the Koran. All holy books tend to have some type of the hate filled quotes from above in them. Such statements taint any good that can be found in these books. We need to know what’s in our own back yard before we ask our neighbors to clean their back yard. Building fences between our neighbors is surely no way to build a better neighborhood.

Peace to you Rick.

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Do-rags, Frisbees, Dogs, Sickos and Wall Street

On my way to work today I did not notice the bikers I have seen hanging out at the Waffle House. I have noticed them the last three Wednesdays. There are about a dozen wearing $600 leather jackets. They are all on new $20,000 plus full dresser Harley Davidson’s. That’s a lot for a cycle when we have a limited about of season to ride one. I was thinking who are these bikers with so much money who don’t seem to be working on Wednesdays? I then realized that’s the day doctors and dentists have off. That’s who riding these expensive toys as no one else can afford them. A pack of these medical guys have gotten together with their golf buddies and are making a morning stop to get an All-Star Special breakfast.

Now don’t get me wrong I don’t begrudge a doctor or dentist owning an expensive motorcycle. I like my doctor and dentist they’re first class guys and deserve the money they make. What I object to is something else I noticed about these medical outlaws. What I was horrified to see was that these guys were either wearing do-rags or bandanas. Bandanas and do rags make horrible helmets and doctors should be smart enough to wear helmets. That doesn’t even bother me so much as what a stupid fashion statement do-rags and bandanas are.

I grew up in the late 60’s and early 70’s and have seen more than my fair share of bandanas and these do-rags are just the newest extension of that tacky fashion. Ever see those guys throwing their dog a Frisbee in the park? Odds are their dog, a golden retriever or spaniel will have a blue or red bandana hung in a triangle cowboy kerchief style around the dog’s neck. I overdosed on seeing that in the 70’s. If I ever see that on a dog again I will call the ASPCA and report the dog’s owner for being cruel to animals.

Here’s a sicko site selling dog bandanas: sicko site

Look at this photo and tell me your heart doesn’t weep at what they have done to this poor defenseless animal: sad pooch

If I accomplish nothing in life I at least want put on my tombstone, “He accomplished nothing but at least he never wore a bandana (or do-rag).”

What I really admire about bikers is something we can all learn from them. That is the fact when Ohio passed helmet laws for motorcyclists the cyclist marched on Columbus. They organized with other states in ABATE (American Bikers Aimed Toward Education). ABATE is a freedom of choice organization, dedicated to the premise that the individual is best suited to decide the type of motorcycle to ride, the type of safety gear to wear, and their own personal lifestyle. ABATE monitors legislative activity in regard to laws affecting motorcyclists, especially those designed to limit freedom of choice, and to encourage all members to become politically involved in order to effect positive legislation. Through demonstrations, public forums, writing letters and meeting elected representatives, ABATE members have the opportunity to present their side of the issues and educate governmental leaders about the needs of Ohio motorcyclists.

Where the Hell is the organization to represent the working-class and organize us to fight for our rights? It sure isn’t our unions who have become “cops for the boss”‘ as they negotiate concessionary contracts that give away our pensions, health care and lower our wages. The unions call themselves International but did nothing to raise wages around the world. Had they helped bring up the standards of workers around the world corporations would not of had sweatshop nations to set up shop in. Instead workers around the world are competing in a race to the bottom in wages and working conditions.

Where was the organization representing workers who for the most part didn’t want our tax dollars going to bailout Wall Street? Anyone believe our congressmen and senators had our opinions or interests ahead of Wall Streets? Do you think either of our two parties truly represent you? Aren’t our politicians today pretty much the type we fought a revolution to get rid of? If socialism is the answer for Wall Street why is it treated like a boogieman when it comes to solving the problems on Main Street? So many questions so little lifetime left.

I am reminded of a poem I wrote years ago when I rhymed things more than I do today. It explains how business is run in America today. Reading it today I am reminded of how much money the taxpayers are giving WalMart to locate in Liberty Ohio.

Business In America

The politician promises all a job, job, job
then it’s off to the country club to hob-nob.

These are the people he must please,
the same ones who send jobs overseas.

He’s got a business to locate in his district,
of course, they have demands that are strict.

They’ll need tax abatements and low interest loans,
local officials will bow at their thrones.

New offices with computers and faxes,
all paid for by the little folks’ taxes.

Have their loan ready on the specified date
or they’ll move to your neighboring state.

When the abatement is up, they’ll need a renewal,
see the stock markets been a bear not a bull.

This is the way business is you see
in a capitalistic economy.

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The Oakland Stage Review and Asshole Magnets

The Mac (my daughter) went with a friend to see Hillary Clinton at YSU. She described Hillary as, “A babe.” Like Michael Moore I have also thought that about Hillary. Like Michael I also tend to be disappointed in the Clintons as being, Republican lite. Mac waited about two hours to get into Beegly Center and another hour inside. She got an up front spot but had late comers pushing her out of the way. One woman claimed she just needed to get by to get a picture for her child but then of course stayed in front of Mac. Hey ignorant people go to a Palin rally. I’m afraid when Mac attends things she has inherited a tendency that her pop has. That is my tendency to be surrounded by assholes. I refer to it as being an “asshole magnet.” More on that later.

I went the Oakland Center of the Arts Thursday night for their monthly “Stage” event. The event is an open stage that really shows what a lot of talent our area has. This is my review.

The stage has a great solidarity between audience members and performers. The audience comes for some entertainment to relax after a day of stemming the tsunami of incompetants that are known as our employers. Since this is Saturday and the Stage was Thursday and I didn’t take notes I’m not sure how well this review will go. I have an idea. Let me get in my way back machine. I’ll set the dial for Thursday Oct.16 2008 8 pm. And…

And our first act is: a small preview of next weekend’s opening of Night of the Living Dead, based on George Romero’s cult film classic adapted by Morton Grisly. I note some of the zombies are wearing sport jackets as if eating brains was a formal dinner event. I am thinking how zombies are rather grouchy looking and walk rather lazily and seem empty headed. In other words these guys are management material. Ever notice how the humans in Romero’s movies always run out of gas in Zombie Land? In 1968 when Romero made, “Night of the Living Dead” gas was only 23 cents a gallon so there was no legitimate reason to run out of gas. With gas now over $3 a gallon I can understand driving around on gas fumes.

Zombies are brainless walking corpses who do nothing for others and stagger around the planet getting in the way of the working man who does the real work. Given that and the fact zombies are in an endless search for brains it there for goes without saying they are Republicans. We all now know that a “compassionate conservative” is just a smiling zombie cannibal. Zombies always seem to be around rural cemeteries and farms in the movies. Funny thing is I tend to think of zombie’s as being from “Bored Man” Ohio or “Howl Land” OH.

Being 100% Irish I suspect all zombies are English. Those guys love kidneys, liver and all that organ meat crap. Truth is I’d try brains before I’d ever eat sweet potatoes, beets or olives. I have heard brains are brain food. The brain even raw is tender, juicy, and chocked full of all the neurotransmitters a bloodthirsty zombie could want. Frontal lobes cooked in a crock pot set on low with a can of cream of corpse soup, some femur bones and a couple of phalanges cooked for eight hours is particularly tender, making for an excellent roast, or so I’m told. Is your mouth watering yet? Girl zombies it makes for an excellent meal when hubby zombie says his boss zombie is coming for dinner. A meal like that and hubby will get promoted to cemetery manager in no time. Sad to say zombies are not anarchists or I’d be one already. They have bosses just like us regular folks so Hell is indeed universal.

To protect yourself from zombies keep your hair short and wear tight clothes and keep the Edsels gas tank on full. The zombies we daily have to fear are football fans, greedy consumers and capitalist that want all of the worlds natural resources. They usually meet at Wal-Mart and Sams Club so burn down any in your area.

I liked the scene I saw from Night of the Living Dead and was thinking it would make a cool musical. I of course would love to come to the Oakland to see the play but my ass is always to broke to go anywhere. At my age my back goes out more than I do. As a labor activist I was glad to hear the zombies in the play are union workers from local 666, International Brotherhood of the Undead. What do zombies do when they’re not ripping open people’s heads? I suspect watching FOX NEWS or listening to Rush. Zombie ditto heads now I know his audience.

In the middle of the zombie production a guy sits down behind me and kicks my seat back causing my spine to paralyze me. Damn I hope those zombies don’t come out in the audience as I won’t be able to run. Shit on top of that I just remembered my Pinto is almost out of gas. This SOB (does not stand for sweet ole boy) who kicked my seat is mumbling something. I hear, “Shit my ex mother-in-law is scarier than these so called, zombies.”

I now feel everything is normal because I know my asshole magnet is working. Why should today’s outing be different than any other time I leave the house? Change is bad except when concerning diapers. This burden is my Dark Ages. Which reminds me of a joke. Why were the Dark Ages dark? They had to many Knights. My tormenter has arrived let the evenings entertainment begin.

Next performer is Shay who is playing a bass guitar and singing. Her first song is the “Hierarchy of Unintentional Homicide” a love song. She does another funny original song and a Police cover of “Every Little Thing She Does is Magic.” I agree she is magical in a 1920’s button mouthed Kewpie doll voice kind of way. I mean that in the best way, as she’s cute, funny and talented. I hear my asshole magnet, I’ll call him, “Joe the Dumber” say, “I got a magic trick I’d like to show you.” I turn around and give him a stare and he looks behind him as if someone else said that.

Next is Rebecca who I met last month when she was reading some funny/touching short stories. Tonight she is doing stand-up comedy. She says it’s the first time she has done this and I never would have believed her. Comedy is hard to do and I admire her for the great job she has done. I hardly recognized her as her hair is standing up in a 1920’s Kewpie Doll sort of way that really works on her. I hadn’t realized I said that out loud until I heard Joe the Dumber say, “1920’s I got a roaring 20’s good time for her I hope she’s not untouchable.” I again give him a stare. I’m generally a peace nick but I am tempted to stray from the path and give Joe a little Damnation Alley.

Next performers Emma and Natalia who are dancers from the nutcracker. They do an interpretative dance to music from Alfred Hitchcock’s film, Psycho. Using that as a dance music choice shows you why the Oakland is the Avant-garde place to be. Which reminds me when I was younger I wanted to be a budding visionary of the Avant-garde sadly no one was hiring. I hear Joe the Dumber behind me clearing his throat and I turn to stare at him before he makes another rude comment. I liked the performance but what do I know about ballet? The one time I took my wife to see ballet at Powers Auditorium my asshole magnet was working strong. Who did our assigned seats have us sit behind but two WWF wrestlers. It was big John Stud and Andre the Giant. Two guys both way over seven feet tall. Worse than that is they were in wrestling tights and smelled like they just came from a Death Cage tag team match.

Kerri the poet is up next. I saw her last month like I did Rebecca and I also didn’t recognize her. She is all dolled up to the max looking hot in a 1920’s flapper girl kind of way. She’s the bee’s knees. Shit, I must be having a past life experience about the 1920’s. Kerri is not only sexy so are her poems. The last female poet I fell in love with was punk poet Patti Smith. I met Patti in my Punk Rock days on a trip to NYC in the 1920’s (I mean 1977) at CBGB’s. In the club were Joey Ramone and Handsome Dick Manitoba (former wrestler) and singer for The Dictators. Outside the club I spoke to Patti telling her I was from Youngstown. She was hailing a cab and asked me where my car was parked. I said in front of Max’s Kansas City (another punk club). She got in her cab and asked my friend and I if we wanted a ride back to my car. I said, “No but thanks.” I kicked my own ass as my friend and I walked the 9,000 blocks back to my car. But I digress. Kerri is reading another sexy poem that makes me wonder if she’d give me a ride to my car, which is half a block away. Of course at my age I could pretend I don’t know where I parked. She’s reading another sexy poem and I’m thinking I have to take my jacket off as it’s getting hot in here. Third floor and all I suppose.

I snap back to reality and remember I’m happily married. My wife refuses to attend events with me though because of my asshole magnetic power. The last time we went to a Drive-In movie we arrived late to find there was only one parking spot left. It ended up being behind a Monster Truck. My wife gave me a stare to melt steel. How was I supposed to know it was Monster Truck Convention Night?

Speaking of assholes I hear Joe the Dumber mumbling something. While listening to Kerri he is muttering, “Baby beat me, hurt me, and make me write bad checks.” This time I refuse to turn around and look at Joe the Dumber. I do make a mental note to never sit in that seat when I come to the Oakland. Dam that’s right I’m at the Oakland why the Hell for a minute there did I think I was at the Foster Art Theater? Did I say I liked Kerri’s poetry? Well, duh does Brittany Spears drive drunk with her kids in the car without them in seatbelts? Ya you betcha I liked Kerri as Alaska’s Barbie Bot Bible Spice would say! Kerri gives poets a good name. There is so much bad poetry out there (usually the published and academic turd kind) that saying, “I’m a poet” was as dangerous as telling a Pilgrim minister you were a witch. Kerri helps make the world safer for other poets. The Pilgrims came saw and conquered. In Kerri’s poems she is saying, “I came, I came, I came.” And the audience is applauding saying, “I like them, I like them.”

Brooke the MC I note looks like a younger Sarah Palin only with brains, talent, humor, warmness, charm, etc. etc. I peg her as a girl attractive enough to be some 1920’s gangsters moll. Brooke is making a joke about having large breasts. I hear Joe the Dumber say, “That’s a major padded bra from Elmo’s.” I turn around and Joe looks at me and sheepishly says, “I’m just saying I’d have to see dem in da raw to know fer sure.” I turn my back on him and hear, “It never fails girls with breast that large usually get allergic reactions to nipple clamps.” Shit I think why me lord.

Robert Dennick Joki was next and what a great singer he is. He reminds me of Italian opera singer Enrico Caruso who died in 1921. I have a faint recollection of hearing Enrico at The Chicago Opera House in 1920. I remember some asshole singing off key behind me so I must have had my asshole magnet on. I turned around and said, “Hey numbskull knock it off.” I said that about the same time I recognized the guy as Alfons Capone. Funny I don’t remember leaving that place alive. But I digress. I wish I could sing like RDJ. If I could I would never talk again. I would just turn every aspect of my life into a musical. I suspect if I went to that extreme I would live about two days before someone would kill me to a standing ovation.

Also performing were Ric Panning and Matt Liller with a comedy sketch about the current financial crisis. Anything that has me laughing about how stupid capitalism is instead of the capitalist system laughing at my broke ass is a major hoot. This skit involved one participant down on his knees serving the powers that be and that is a perfect analogy of what’s happening to the working-class today. Great work comrades! At one point when one of the guys was on his knees I heard Joe the Dumber say what I think was “Baguette” I thought to myself I like Baguettes how nice of Brooke and the folks at the Oakland to set out food. I got to get me one of those!

Rocco did a singing/poetry piece that was interesting. One of the zombies Chazz Sutton sang a few songs with some being originals. I don’t know if the microphone was at the right angle as I couldn’t catch all of the words but enjoyed them anyway. Neither performer reminded me of anything from the 1920’s though.

I can’t forget to mention Stage regular Don. Don proved his undying love for the Oakland in an original love song about the Oakland that was great! Don has told me he likes my poetry so I think Don’s a big-hearted guy. Don sings like the late great Nat king Cole or is it the late great Old King Cole? Anyway Don is a merry old soul who makes me smile and that comrades ain’t easy.

Tim Malone read two poems from writers who wrote about Pearl Harbor as they experienced it. I was thinking about 9/11 when he was reading. I admired how Tim saw the spookiness in the horror of Pearl Harbor and thought it fitting for a Halloween reading.

The only thing I’ve left out is the poetry antics of my pal Jim Jordan. I have caught all of the occasions Jim had read for the last decade but one. Interesting enough Jim tells me that’s the one I should have really caught. To hear him tell it he was asked by Bono to open for U2 at the Cleveland Stadium. Seems Jim was so well received he got standing ovation, dived into the crowd and was crowd surfed around for an hour. Jim tells me Bono is setting some of Jim’s poems to music for his next album. Damn if I don’t always miss the great events.

About this time Crissy who is sitting next to me live blogging gets a strange look on her face gets up and runs to the bathroom. That was close as I noticed she was drinking some hooch or giggle water as we said in the 20’s. If she’d of heaved on me it would have made me a double asshole magnet for the night. That usually only happens to me on special occasions like my wedding or my birthday. As far as an asshole vomiting on me I’d have to go back to 2004 when Senator Kerry was running for president. I was in Kent Oh. at an event featuring Michael Moore supporting Kerry. A drunk and stoned girl behind me with a Bush sucks sign threw up on my shoulder. Two guys in dark suits wearing shades and earphones hauled her out as I was wiping my shirt with her long hair. Turns out my asshole magnet that night was Jenna Bush. Ever notice the name Bush has a B and an S in it?

Jim Jordan takes the stage but is having a hard time reading as he broke his eyeglasses today. He is reading a poem called, “Swift boating God.” Beings as Jim’s dyslexic and not wearing his glasses I suspect it really is, “Swift boating Dog.” The thing I like about Jim’s poems is he laughs at the fact that there is nothing left to laugh at anymore. I could write books about how talented this guy is but he’s too modest to let me print such things. When I attend talent events and a poet comes on I say, “Oh no it’s the poetry train and I ain’t riding.” Jim has taught me that poetry can be fun, insightful and palatable. Speaking of palatable where are those baguettes?

On the way out I noted Joe the Dumber was hitting on Kerri. But as they said in the 20’s he saw, she saw, she shot. Good I won’t have to encounter him next month at the Stage. That was a heck of a show for $5. You should find out what you’re missing. As we said in the 20’s it’s the cat’s pajamas.


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Yes Joesam You are a Fool and a Corporate Tool

I’m sure by now you all know “Joe the Plumber” who McCain and Obama talked about in the debates. Obama ran into this guy who asked him a question in Holland, Ohio: Plumber

Well, Joe wanted to interrupt Obama’s answer because like most conservative Americans they can only handle a fifteen second answer. Like most conservatives once a little investigation ensues they are either exposed as hypocrites, corporate tools, full of Hannity (shit) liars or usually all three. Well, Joe’s name is really Sam so I’ll call him Joesam. Since he’s a conservative he is of course not a union plumber. Hell, Joesam is an unlicensed plumber who never had any training in being a plumber. He has worked for the same employer for six years. When he was first hired his boss said, maybe some day you can take over the business. Joesam has taken that literally and believes one day he will be owner of the company.

Right now Joesam pulls down about $42,000 a year from suckers who don’t know they are paying for an unlicensed plumber. That is damn good money for a guy with no training in a field that takes plenty of training. Instead of being happy that he’s making good bucks for not even being licensed Joesam thinks he deserves to be the business owner. If he was owner he believes he could make $250,000 -$270,000 a year.

Never mind Joesam has no experience or schooling in business management Joesam thinks he’s entitled to become the owner of the plumbing busines he works for. Joesam has an alligator mouth and a humming bird ass. Since Joesam stuck his big bald head in front of a camera trying to trash Obama for asking the richest 5% in this country to pay more he may have ruined his boss’s business. There may be no business to some day in the future buy once the word gets out they employ unlicensed plumbers. Nice going Joesam. He couldn’t help himself, as conservatives just have to be assholes when the media appears.

Joesam has bought into the whole Horatio Alger bullshit. Exposing the B.S of Horatio Alger.:B.S.

Joesam was held up by John McCain as the typical, hard-working American taxpayer. Court documents show he owes nearly $1,200 in back taxes. Joesam I wouldn’t sweat the big taxes you fear paying when you become a millionaire I’d say just pay the tax money you already owe.

Joesam has fallen for the Hannity (shit) that rich conservatives tell the poor and middle-class that we should never ask the rich to pay their fair share as one day we could be those rich guys. When people fall for that they become corporate tools like Joesam. If we dare mention the inequities in the USA we are accused of starting class-warfare. You saw McCain accuse Obama of creating class-warfare in the last debate. The poor and middle-class are getting their asses kicked in this war and we are supposed to act like there is no war on us? We’re suppose to believe in Trickle Down economics? Hell, I know a Golden Shower when I see it.

I’m always saddened when I see the middle-class trashing the poor for getting welfare, which is a measly 1% of the federal budget. I am saddened when I see the middle-class trash each other as in this Freddy Mac and Fannie Mae collapse. They blame folks for trying to buy more house then they could afford instead of greedy bankers and greedy real estate companies. Hey middle-class hypocrites if you buy anything on a credit card today because you don’t have the cash and will pay for it later you are just as guilty as those folks trying to buy too much house. When you bash each other you are a corporate tool that the richest 5% love as you’ve let their tax loophole asses off the hook.

The truth is now that Joesam has been exposed as being unlicensed and untrained his boss will be canning his ass instead of selling him the business. Joesam is a conservative who has been quoted trashing Social Security and government programs. I’m sure his hypocritical soon to be unemployed ass will be first in line at the Welfare Office demanding food stamps.

Joesam is leaning toward voting for McCacin and said he voted for him in the primary. This is more bullshit from Joesam: Joe’s a liar

Joesam has stated with all of his attention he hopes he hasn’t made a fool of himself. News flash you are a fool. I think you’ve been smelling to much flux when you’re soldering those copper pipes.

Here’s the kind of racism the GOP does: racist GOP

I went to The Stage at The Oakland Theater last night. I didn’t take notes but I will try to write a review of it tomorrow.

Anne Fenney sings live: Anne tells it like it is

More Anne: Scabs


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For a Better World Do Nothing

One of my FW’s (fellow workers) mentioned that the gas station nearest work was selling gas for only $2.88 per. gallon. It’s a shame that we are to the point we think paying under $3.00 a gallon is a bargain. I replied, “I don’t buy Shell gas.” One FW replied, “OK what’s wrong with Shell?” I replied, “I don’t like how they have destroyed Nigeria by aiding the corrupt government that runs the country. I also don’t like that Shell has dug mass graves with their equipment to bury indigenous people who the corrupt government has killed for trying to stop Shell from taking their lands.” Shell also has a horrible environmental record in Nigeria. See boycott info: Shell info

The latest info on turmoil on corruption and war in Nigeria: Vanity Fair

One of my fellow FW’s said, “I don’t care what a company does as long as its product is the cheapest. “I came back with, “Some people go to church on Sunday and pray for a better world when they made decisions all week long that contributed to the injustices and destruction of the world.”

I thought of a few of my present and former FW’s who actually have sent their kids to Christian schools to supposedly get better moral values. Yet the same parents don’t give a good Hannity (my word for shit) what values the companies who make the products they use have as long as they’re cheap. Sounds like a waste of money on that Christian school when the kids come home to parents who don’t care about standing up for a more moral and just world.

I also have a beef with fellow FW’s who pick up their check from Public Education while they put their kids in private schools. This is a hypocrisy George H. Bush brought up when he ran for president. Bush was taking on the NEA union and made fun of how 30% of it members had kids in private schools yet the NEA was fighting against school vouchers. I wasn’t working in Public Education at the time and thought Bush was full of Hannity. I have been ashamed to now learn that Bush may have even been a little light when he said 30%. I am puzzled why my FW’s in Public Education don’t see this hypocrisy as detrimental to their job in Public Education.

I truly believe parents and grandparents all would like to see a better world for their children, grandchildren, and the next generation. The world is fraught with problems pertaining to social justice, sweatshops, racism, misogyny, poverty, the environment, human rights, respect, dignity, etc.

I’m sure most people are overwhelmed in their daily life just trying to earn a living and get by to feel they can spend any time being an activist on even one of these issues. Mother Theresa told us we should “just do what’s in front of you.” Even if people did as little as that, just working on an issue that confronts them everyday, it would make a better world. What if I were to tell you how you could take a role in fighting for all the social justice issues I mentioned above without even lifting a finger? As a matter of fact, not lifting a finger, not moving a muscle, being an armchair activist as it were is exactly what is called for.

It’s not really about doing anything it’s about doing nothing. By that nothing I mean making the companies accountable is about closing your wallets and purses to their anti-human, anti-environmental agendas. The sound they most fear is the silence those wallets and purses make when they don’t open. Nothing in a capitalist society speaks louder than the silent sound of wallets not opening.

I have spoken out in my workplace about the evils of Wal-Mart and Sam’s Club. Both of them don’t pay livable wages, seldom promote women (when they do they pay them less then men), they use Third World sweatshops, use child labor, pollute, are anti-union and get millions in corporate welfare. They are on the wrong side of just about every issue you can imagine.

Because as I’ve said I work in Public Education I brought in some the following info: Giving Wal-Mart style

Folks I work with said, I know Wal-Mart is evil but I have to go to Sam’s Club. It’s as if going to Sam’s is some kind of religious experience. Don’t take my word for how evil Wal-Mart is, take the word of The Methodist Church and 30 religious, labor, consumer, and human rights groups that have urged Wal-Mart to improve the company’s social and environmental performance. The groups organized by the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility, said it feared the company’s strategic vision to achieve success in the marketplace comes without an ethical standard.

The first and only time I went in a Wal-Mart was over twenty years ago as I accompanied a friend who entered the new store in Hermitage PA. What I saw inside the front door made me turn around and leave and never come back. The terror that drove me from their store was the Wal-Mart greeter. He had been a boss at a grocery store I worked in while attending YSU. He was the vilest, lecherous, evil boss I have ever worked for in my life (and that’s saying a lot). This was a man who actually made fun of and imitated a handicapped employee at the grocery store. Here it was decades later and this boss was now a senior citizen and a greeter at Wal-Mart. I imagine he probably kicks canes out of the hand of elderly women and disconnects the batteries on the scooter buggies while the handicapped ride them in Wal-Mart.

As for Sam’s Club I’m not shopping anywhere that I have to pay an annual membership to. That just sounds plain dumb to me. I tend to buy from small stores in my community and buy things at second hand stores so I believe we do have alternatives to companies that are not good world citizens.

Truly, do those products we buy at soulless corporations give us so much comfort and pleasure that we will pay such a high moral cost for them? When we buy gas at Shell and enter Wal-Marts and Sam’s Clubs with our children, we are telling our kids we think little of the world they will inherit. In the end, we must ask ourselves: do we want bargains or values?

I hope in the near future to be able to post boycotts and link other ways arm chair activist can make a difference as soon as I figure this whole blog thing out.

Bruce Cockburn: If I had a Rocker Launcher

More Bruce: A Dream Like Mine

Bruce with Lovers in a Dangerous Time; lovers

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Lamenting Amusement Parks and a Fishy Tale

The Mac (my daughter) went with some friends to Conneaut Lake Park the other day. The park is set up as a haunted town called Ghost Lake. The park has been closed since the end of the 2006 season. It suffered a partial fire the next year. It originally opened in 1892 as Exposition Park on the west side of Conneaut Lake in western Pennsylvania. Conneaut Lake Park had over 80 rides, slides and attractions, including the famous Blue Streak wooden roller coaster.

I remember going to the park every year on a school outing on the last day of school. I also had relatives who worked at Sharon Steel and the Westinghouse and the park had discount days for those companies. We had many family and church outings at the park that I remember fondly. It’s sad that old fashioned amusement parks like Conneaut Lake Park and Youngstown’s Idora Park are gone.

On September 21, 2007 Geauga Lake Park closed and my kids were saddened as that’s the park they remember from their youth. My kids especially loved Sea World. On January 2001, Busch Entertainment Corporation sold Sea World Ohio to Six Flags Inc. The whales, dolphins, and penguins were moved to other Sea World parks. Six Flags kept all the other marine mammals, fish, birds, etc. and all the shows and buildings, but not the Sea World name. The park reopened as part of the nearby Six Flags Lake Geauga theme park. The new combined park was known as Six Flags Worlds of Adventure. Six Flags brought in dolphins from one of their other parks so they would have a dolphin show. The second season saw the addition of a killer whale to their collection, an attempt to bring back most of the shows and exhibits familiar to visitors of the old Sea World Park.

Eventually, Six Flags sold out to Cedar Fair, who renamed the park Geauga Lake, ditched the animal park and turned that area into a waterpark. After a couple of under performing seasons, at the end of 2007 Cedar Fair gave up on the concept of having a ride park and a waterpark in one and shut down the ride portion of the park.

In 2001 when Shamu was deported I did the following investigative piece of journalism:

Fishing For Answers

The last two weeks of January have seen major mergers, layoffs and closings. There have been thousands laid off at Chrysler, 15,000 at GM, 16,000 at Lucent Technologies, and 5,300 jobs are gone as JC Penney’s closes 47 stores. Here in the Youngstown area we have layoffs at WCI, Lordstown, Packard, and possibly a plant closing at CSC.

Some of the job losses are through attrition and early retirement offers. Another thing that happens to many people because of mergers and closings is job transfers. Being uprooted because of a job transfer can be hard on a family. It’s sad to say goodbye to friends and family and pick up and start all over again, and that’s what I want to address. This week one of the saddest victims of a company buyout actually happened here in NE Ohio. That was nearby Sea World of Aurora, Ohio, the 232-acre marine park owned by Anheuser-Busch Inc. being bought by Six Flags Inc. for $110 million. The sad victims of the buyout are the animals at the park who are going to be relocated.

Another victim is the park’s annual 1.4 million visitors. Six Flags does plan to keep operating the attraction as a marine park, under a new name. Unfortunately, Sea World’s three killer whales, including Shamu the signature of the park, along with the park’s penguins and its ten Bottlenose and Commersen’s dolphins, will be relocated to other Busch theme parks. I will be left like many parents, trying to explain to my children what happened to Shamu the Killer Whale and his friends when we make our annual voyage to the park.

I decided to do some investigative journalism so I made the hour journey to the park. I entered the park and headed to Shamu Stadium to see the big guy himself. Many killer whales have played the 30 -year -old part of Shamu. 4100 lb. Keet now plays the part. He sadly confided, “I’ve never got my own recognition but had to live up to a dead whale’s legacy. Now to add further insult they’re moving me. My namesakes have been making a large splash here since the park opened in 1970. I have been a good employee, whose loyalty has reached great depths. Hell, I’ve jumped through hoops to please management and audiences alike.” He added, “I’ve been here 8 years, but so much for seniority when corporate America enters the pool. I have resented the term killer whale my whole life but right now because I’m going to be moved away from what is my home I’m in a killing mood.”

Next I went to interview the dolphins that are also being moved. A Bottlenose dolphin that asked me not to use his name greeted me warmly. I told him I had already talked to Shamu. He replied, “Shamu is a sham, there’s no such thing as killer whales. They’re just fat dolphins. Beluga whales, Bottlenose and Pacific dolphins were all part of the Odontoceti family. Shamu is touted as the big star around here so he’s developed a swelled head.”

I asked, “How does management treat the animals in the park?” He replied, “Management likes keeping the animals in the park divided and fighting amongst themselves over food, accommodations and billing. It’s the old divide and conquer strategy, just like a page out of Machiavelli’s, “The Prince.” “We know the bosses have been making a fortune off of our talents and energy for years telling us we’re all family. Family, my fin, now we know we’re nothing but wage slaves.’ He continued, “Unfortunately the animals here never stuck together. It’s a funny thing about solidarity. In the wild we dolphins travel in packs of twenty and killer whales travel in packs of up to thirty and by damn it we watched each other’s backs. There’s no solidarity here in captivity. Natural instincts in the wild like compassion and respect were replaced in captivity by greed and the quest for the easy life. We had someone to feed us so we became complacent, thinking only of ourselves and pleasing management.”

He continued on, “A few years back one of my Hollywood friends, Flipper came here trying to organize us animals into the screen actors union. Many of us were interested but management started threatening us. Shamu also opposed it so he started throwing his weight around, all two tons. We all respect the sea turtles that live here because of their age so we turned to them on this issue. Let me tell you age does not mean wisdom. Two hundred year old turtles are in no hurry for change. On top of that it was impossible to convince spineless jellyfish and sharks with cartilage where their spine should be that a union would be a good thing. Sea World ended up hiring a couple of thugs from Arthur Treacher’s and the next thing you know Flipper disappeared. The word is he was breaded deep fried and served with a side of chips.”

He added, “If any of us animals dares speak up about how management is making huge profits while we are fed stale herring we’re read the riot act. They say we’re unappreciative and unpatriotic and accuse us of talking class warfare. The truth is a class war is going on and it’s being waged against us and if we don’t wake up to it we’ve already lost. I exit, now realizing why dolphins are called the smartest of all animals.

I next stop at the Penguin Encounter a 45,000-gallon icy sea pool. I encountered one hundred of the formally dressed regal residents. I address an emperor penguin as to how he feels about being moved from his home. He answers, “Two of the four species of penguins at the park will be transferred we are being kept in the dark about which two species. It’s par for the course because over the years management here has done all it can to agitate racism between the four species.”

He goes on to tell me he feels betrayed not just by management but also by the visitors and children who come to the park. He explains, “The visitors should have formed a picket line demanding that all the animals should be allowed to remain here at the park. Management knew what they were doing as far as the timing of the parks sale. They did it at this time of the year because it’s football season. The public is too wrapped up in the Super Bowl to care about what injustices are happening in the animal world. After all, humans don’t even care about injustices in their own world like the recent hijacking of the presidential election.” He ended by saying, “We penguins are at heart social animals that live in colonies. So, I’m going to miss my brothers. Hell, I’m a penguin, you think I want to be transferred to somewhere like Florida?”

On my way out of the park I stopped by the employee’s lounge where I found many of the parks animals taking a coffee and sardine break. I questioned the animals about the park’s sale and about the soon to be departure of many of their friends. A sea lion named Clyde complained about management, “They have stooped so low as to watch many of the animals breed.” “Yeah,” chimed in his friend Seamore, “They’re a bunch of sick peeping Tom bastards.” An octopus told me he’d like to help stop the animals from leaving but felt his hands were tied. Tunas expressed fear of ending up between two slices of bread at the concession stand. On top of that the park’s waterfowl were in a foul mood and lobsters were seeing red. One otter commented, “And sushi think they got a raw deal?” Sharks said they feared for some time that corporate raiders were circling the park. With their keen sense of smell the sharks were the first to smell the blood in the water scent of a corporate takeover. In the end, the sharks at Sea World were no match for the predator sharks from Wall Street.

As I write this none of the animals at the park feel they have a safe harbor. Yet, something they all expressed makes me think they can look forward to a better future. That is the idea that if you feed a fish you control him, but if a fish organizes he can control his own life. To end my sad tale I say goodbye Shamu and friends my family will miss you.

Hey Sarah Palin Song:funny song

James McMurtry: Cheney’s Toy

More McMurtry: We Can’t Make it Here Anymore

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Youngstown Hidden Treasures and Rememberances

My son, Adam was home from college for a few days. He brought his girlfriend along to visit. We spent time on such a beautiful day sight seeing in the area. Downtown Youngstown and YSU are looking very nice for the most part. The little garden next to the Wick Pollock Inn is a real hidden treasure.

We did some walking with a puppy Adam’s girlfriend owns in Mill Creek Park. We truly are blessed to have such a terrific recreational area. Fellowship Gardens was very busy with many visitors enjoying its splendor.

I am reminded of a poem I wrote about Youngstown.

A Childhood Adventure

Hard to believe
it was decades ago,
pre airbags and seat belts,
pre malls and cinema plexes,
that two brothers bounced up and down
in the backseat of a two-tone
Ford convertible.
They couldn’t sit still
because of a burning sensation…
money in their pockets
saved from cutting Grandpa’s yard.
Soon to be spent
on comic books and model cars.
With mom behind the wheel
and Grandma riding shotgun
wearing a pillbox hat with a veil
and dark sunglasses
and one of those mink stoles,
the type with the whole mink nose
to tail with beady eyes.
We were on our way to our most serious
shopping expedition.
The frequent trip
from our Western PA home
to the area’s shopping mecca,
downtown Youngstown.
To me it was as adventurous
as drums along the Mohawk,
the music from the Fairlane’s
one speaker said it was more like
Elvis on Route 7.
Further up the road it was
the Beatles on Wick Avenue.
Past dealer after car dealer on the
Wick auto strip.
All the latest makes of Detroit iron were there:
Galaxies, Comets, Starfires, Jetstars, and Novas.
Space age names for the days of JFK’s “New Frontier.”
Each dealership had triangle-shaped multi-colored rows of flags
to me the conveyed a carnival atmosphere
little did I know they were there
to scare off birds and their droppings.
Then past Butler Institute of American Art
and picturesque Jones Hall.
Over the hill
and we were in the heart of Youngstown.
On the outskirts of downtown,
lay the soul of Youngstown,
the steel mills.
But here in downtown
were stores reaching to the sky
full of treasures
Marco Polo could not have imagined.
Department stores like
Strouss and McKelveys
were so big
almost every floor
had a restaurant on it.
Strouss’ had its famous chocolate malts
in the basement.
Restrooms on every floor,
a plumbing contractor’s dream
and a janitor’s nightmare.
Elevators and escalators
to move you about seemed like
amusement park rides.
When we parked our car
they lifted it into the air
on a ramp to park it on another floor.
An amusement ride even for the car…
an all-encompassing experience.
Strouss and McKelvey’s each had a whole floor
with nothing but toys.
Pure heaven!
We joined in the hustle and bustle
of West Federal Street:
Past Woolworth’s, Peoples Drug,
Hartzell, Rose & Sons and the Parkade Shops.
Mother and Grandma would head to
Lustig Shoes and Livingston’s.
After taking my brother and I
to Fanny Farmer’s for candy,
they would drop us off at
the State or the Warner Theater.
We would sit spellbound
watching movies like
Ben Hur or
The Alamo.
Then it would be off to the Ringside
for some spaghetti
or Isaly’s for a skyscraper cone.
It was all bigger than life.
I can’t help but be reminded of it all
when I take my kids to
faceless malls
and cracker box cinemettes.
I feel sorry for them,
they never had the experience that was
downtown Youngstown.

Michael Franti: Time to go Home

More Michael Franti: Yell Fire

Still More Franti: OH My God

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Smiling Cannibals and Heartless Vampires

I’ve had it. I’m mad that conservative Americans are a bunch of corporate tools. They are corporate tools who will still believe in corporate capitalism no matter how much we taxpayers have to bail the corporate fat cats out.

I’m talking about idiots like this ahole: Big ahole who does need his head examined

These corporate tools will scream against socialized medicine while the corporate hogs take all the socialism they can get and laugh at us.

AIG execs live it up after socialist bailout: Fat cats laugh at us

Socialist? If that means we should have a worker’s paradise instead of a corporate one where CEO’s make 400 times the employees put me down for socialism I prefer the term “Peopleism.” Don’t underestimate how much the average common man can make this a better world. We’ll just have to work around some tools who love to serve their corporate masters. Maybe they’ll be happy to go to China and work in a sweatshop for Wal-Mart for 15 cents and hour.

Perhaps if the Republican Party didn’t have their heads up the Asses of every corporation, we would have consumer laws that protected us and not big business. Maybe we would have a health care system that benefited the public and not the Insurance lobby. Maybe we would have banking and mortgage laws that benefited citizens and not the banks. Maybe we would have an energy policy that benefited us with reasonably priced electricity, heat and gasoline not just benefiting Big Oil. Maybe we would have environmental policies that protected our planet instead of allowing it to be polluted by industry.

Voters who support McCain and Palin are actually voting for a Vice Presidential candidate who is anti-polar bear.

For those fools who want less government that means less regulation of all the issues I mentioned. I love my family too much to cut the Food & Drug Administration, Federal Trade Commission, Environmental Protection Agency, etc. This is what all-republican candidates propose doing. People fought long and hard to get these agencies to protect us. The same conservative politicians who sold our jobs out to China now want to protect dangerous products from China instead of our families.

All I hear from the conservatives is their worship of their god. Their god is Reagan. President Reagan painted a picture of America as a shining city upon a hill. On the other side of that hill Reagan let corporations purchase that city. These corporations bought our so-called representatives and raped and plundered our countries natural resources and labor force. That has increased under Bush/Cheney and their “compassionate conservatism”. We now know compassionate conservatism means, a smiling cannibal.

We should all be able to see that these neocon ideas have tanked our economy. Yet we have voters who can’t get enough of the tragedy and want McCain/Palin to finish us off. The noecon vampire needs to have a stake pounded through its heartless body.

Just electing democrats will not save us. We must hold them accountable. We are all leaders and we need to take back America. Time to get busy fellow leaders.

Steve Earl: The Revolution Starts Now

More Steve: A Rich Man’s War

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