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Dogs For Biden

First off, I’m getting emails from nervous dogs owned by Republicans.

Hi, my name is Major, I am a German Shepherd born in 2018.

I was owned by President Joe Biden and his lovely wife, Jill.

I was the first shelter dog to ever live in the White House.

I was part of a litter that had been exposed,

to “something toxic” in our home and rescued.

In 2021, Champ Biden’s elderly German Shepherd, and myself

were temporarily moved to live with a family friend in Delaware,

after a minor incident in which I nipped a security guard.

I am doing much better in a quieter environment.

The White House was very busy with Joe working tirelessly,

for the betterment of our country, so don’t buy that Sleepy Joe BS.

I want to talk about 14-month-old wire-haired pointer pup, Cricket.

Cricket lived in a toxic household because of a psychopathic owner.

Her owner was Cruella Deville wannabee,

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem a potential Trump VP pick.

In Noem’s soon-to-be-published autobiography,

she details murdering Cricket with a bullet to her head.

Cricket’s sin was being overly playful and not knowing how to pheasant hunt,

and killing a neighbor’s chickens as she didn’t know chickens from pheasants.

Noem is lazy and didn’t feel like training Cricket to hunt.

Noem had been hunting and was in the mood to kill something.

She chose to shoot Cricket and throw her body in a gravel pit.

Still feeling bloodthirsty, she smote the family goat with a bullet.

One of the reasons she killed the goat is because it stunk.

Noem was too lazy to wash the goat.

About that time Noem’s daughter, Kennedy exited the school bus.

She knew something was wrong and asked where Cricket was.

Kennedy now has a six-figure state job courtesy of mom.

Luckily, Kennedy wasn’t a fun-loving kid,

so, she didn’t end up in the gravel pit.

How owners treat their pets reveals much about their character. 

The media has criticized Noem for being a puppy killer.

She responded by tripling down, claiming she recently put down three horses.

She is one cold, cruel sick puppy.

Evil people can justify anything to themselves.

As governor, she disregarded COVID-19 safety rules

and treated the pandemic as a political opportunity.

She denied findings by doctors and scientists.

South Dakota citizens had to be airlifted out of state to get treatment.

Native Americans have banned her from their land

because she has so disrespected them.

I’m betting, seniors in nursing homes, fearing for their lives

are wishing they could ban the governor from nursing home tours.

Research says that serial killers were also animal abusers.

Noem not only killed animals but bragged about it in her book.

The book is a nod and a wink to the GOP that she’s up for the dirty work.

Like many conservatives, Noem equates cruelty with toughness.

Most of their words and their policies are cruel.

Their callousness is evident when they shrug off

mass shootings with an insulting cliche like “thoughts & prayers.”

Gov. Noem’s book reveals her as a soulless monster,

which puts her at the top of Donald Trump’s VP shortlist.

Other VP hopefuls will soon be in a contest to see who,

can outdo each other in their stories of abusing helpless critters.

That should appeal to Trump who has made fun of special needs people,

trashed immigrants of color, and insulted prisoners of war.

He also encourages the beating up of protesters at his rallies.

He’s spoken of wanting shoplifters, drug dealers, and political rivals killed.

Trump also hates dogs because they’re uncanny judges of character.

Trump might want to think twice about making Noem his VP.

After all, he is untrainable, eats KFC chicken and smells rancid.

All that marks him as Noem’s next body in the gravel pit.

She should also consider that Trump tried to kill his last VP.

Anyone who would shoot a puppy rather than make the minimum effort

to re-home it has no business being anywhere close to power.

No amount of pointless cruelty bothers Trump’s base.

I don’t think puppy killing will change that.

Kristi Noem says her book is about what’s wrong with politics today.

The irony is that she is what is wrong with politics today.

Kristi,,,. it wasn’t the dog that needed training.

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Towards a Working Class Bible

Nature promised man little.

Many working poor rage against God for their place.

The water is too deep, so we drift through life.

A little more wind for the sails might help.

But does it send you more toward Heaven or Hell?

Workers’ scarred bodies and stained souls

are of the class of the risen carpenter savior.

Does such a struggling life put one in God’s favor?

If not, it is a cruel joke on God’s part.

Must one work so hard for salvation?

What was their sin and was it so horrible?

These workers have earned and are justified

in an answer from God right now.

Do angels understand soot and dirt under fingernails?

God has graced the wealthy with heavenly neighborhoods,

where another order of beings can look down on the poor.

Gates on an Earth world separating thine and mine.

It looks like money has spoken worldwide.

What have religions done for the working class?

Churches built by the wealthy

try to quell the unrest of the working class.

Quell their chance for worker solidarity,

on the worker’s one day of rest in a week.

It could be a day to organize and enlighten their

degraded souls to rise and worship at the altar of solidarity.

Raising up those who work side by side together.

The preachers promise the downtrodden a better hereafter.

Suffering now earns a payday later.

Pie in the sky BS indeed.

Why a sunbeam might appear and change everything.

They say God works in mysterious ways.

I don’t care for mysteries or science fiction.

I’m wondering if religious text isn’t just a fable.

No one has a signed copy of the Bible.

It was written in a room with monks

distracted by drinking lots of wine.

It did warn us not to accept apples from women

and not to trust our brother as he might kill us.

To memorialize Abraham’s faith,

his son was named,” Isaac,” meaning “laughter.”

The Bible like all holy books

needs more “Isaac” and joy.

That might make it more palatable.


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Three Working-Class Poems

Longing for Power

It’s to work, to home, to work, to home, to work to death.

Sunshine deficient, happy deficient, and smile deficient.

They die with a brain full of unanswered power.

Their lives asked for power.

Their deaths asked for power.

The workers struggle still.

The love of hope is a stimulant.

Man cannot live on hope.

Machines govern the bodies

but not the minds of workers.

They work a double with stupid sleepiness.

No one tells the story of their soul.

Souls filled with the longing for love.

No one tells of their heroic unselfishness,

for family, friends, and fellow workers.

They represent heart kindness and hopeless discomfort.

Maintaining Sanity

.08 means you are legally drunk.

It would take ten times that amount

to wash away the workday hardships.

It’s not enough to drown their intolerable solitude.

Desperate drinking can become a mental band-aid.

A working-class bar features the drunken

chorus of men fresh from hellfire.

Nourishing their battered souls.

and the thankless coarseness of their life

These spirits give them more comfort,

than the rich man’s minister on Sunday.

The Workplaces and Prisons Where Art Hides

Many workers in factories and inmates in prison

have a passion for art, words, and beauty.

Happy are those whose agony in their brains

is put in touch with their fingers,

to express themselves in some form of art.

They scream out as babies cry for food or help.

They scream as they are living death and soul starvation.

They need to put pen to paper or paint to canvas,

to expose their purpose, passion, and pain.

Many beautiful unknown and unspoken

things are lost in the passing of each soul to eternity.

We should have art galleries in factories and prisons.

We should have wakes for the living.

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It Could be All in a Name

What in the Hell are you talking about?

I am an American, so I have no clue,

what you mean when you tell me

how many kilometers you get per liter.

Our country never did buy into

that crazy confusing metric system.

Heck, we are still dealing with a lot

of old-timey measurements.

Who knows what a skosh means?

Or other cooking measurements like;

a scant, a shake, a smidgin, a smoot, a speck,

a splash, a sprinkle, a chug, a dash, a dollop,

a helping heap, a hint, a mite, a nibble, a pinch,

a tab, a touch, a tinge, a tuft, a jot, or a gob.

Not knowing these exact cooking measurements,

could lead to a real mess of something.

Tell me what size vehicle I need to haul;

a gazillion of something, a whole passel,

a buttload, a crap load, or a crap ton?

Would that be a carload, a truckload, or a boatload?

How long is it going to take me to haul all this bulk?

I could do it on my downtime and start in a moment, a nanosecond,

a hot minute, a New York minute, or two shakes of a lamb’s tail.

It shouldn’t take me a fortnight, a dog’s year, or a coon’s age.

I could get Joe to help me but he’s slower than molasses.

Mostly, because he is older than Methuselah.

I went to deliver this mass of goods in my old truck.

It doesn’t have GPS, so I got lost along the way.

I had to ask strangers for directions.

I was told my destination was over yonder,

up the road a piece, down aways,

a hop skip and a jump away, near Timbuktu,

a country mile, as the crow flies, a hair to the left,

a stone’s throw away, within spitting distance

and out past where Jesus lost his sandals.

Out of a dozen folks giving me directions

only one guy was correct in the end.

He said, “It is not in this neck of the woods.” 

So, the metric system might not be our cup of tea,

as, we already have a buttload of terms to work on.

There is only one way for Europeans to trick

the USA into using the metric system.

That would be calling it, “Freedom Unit Measuring.”

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Things I’ve heard on Right-wing Talk Radio

                      Caller: The most beautiful American thing I ever saw

                      was a huge Texas oil rig under the moonlight.

                      Me (yelling back at the radio): Probably more beautiful than

                      the 210-million-gallon Deepwater BP oil spill of 2010.

                      Caller: People need to realize that politics isn’t personal.

                       Me: It is for the vulnerable, the marginalized,

                       and Immigrants who are scapegoated.

                        Also, for the victims of hate crimes,

victims of racism, homophobia, and misogyny.

                        Caller: We need more Bible teaching in the schools.

Me: Will that make us more competitive in the world?

I would have said, more math, physics, and science studies.

Caller: Degrees, college, and further education mean nothing.

Me: Sure, who needs to be smart to sell

Herbalife and Amway pyramid schemes

to your relatives, neighbors, and church-friends

Caller I support Alabama Judge Roy Moore,

To be a GOP candidate for the senate.

I do not care if he sexually assaulted a girl.

  She was sixteen and that is old enough.

Me: Some folks will vote for pedophiles

for office as long as they pass lots of tax cuts.

I swear people like this caller like supporting

pedophiles and perverts as they live vicariously through them.

The next caller says he would only believe Moore

was a pervert if he heard it on FOX News.

Me: Fox News was busy hiding the facts that

Roger Ailes, Bill O’Riley, and Eric Bolling were

groping female co-workers at FOX News.

                        A caller: states that he supports cops who killed:

                        George Floyd, Tamir Rice, and Michael Brown.

                        because they gave the cops a hard time.

Me: Conservatives are always tough on crime,

when the perpetrators are those scary minorities.

The day Trump finally headed back to Mara Logo

A caller stated that we needed to keep Trump

and get rid of immigrants at the border.

Afterall, they were coming to steal our jobs.

Me: I noted that earlier in the week

Seventy new foreign workers were added to the staff

at Mar-a-Logo with all newly approved visas.

Caller: Our poor and are too rich.

They have cellphones and TVs.

Me: Dude, I so wish you would be in a homeless

person’s shoes for just one day.

There is no need for you to call and bitch about this.

Other than your check is in the mail from Richie Rich.

The war on poverty is over.

The rich won and they will never be rich enough.

I have to laugh about Hillary being criticized when she

called some people deplorables.



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Nature Will Punish Us for Our Sins

Wetlands really suck.

It’s absolutely true.

Plants in wetlands suck carbon

from the Earth’s atmosphere.

The soil in wetlands stores a third

of the world’s carbon dioxide.

It is stored in the decomposed

organic layer of soil known as peat.           

Harvesting and burning peat from wetlands

to warm homes contributes to global warming.

Peat is an even more damaging fuel than coal.

My heart goes out to my poor Irish ancestors.

They thought they were providing for their families

in the winter, by burning peat in their hearths.

The irony is that these parents were introducing

invisible assassins of toxic gases and carcinogens

into the sanctuary that was their home.

The small particles from burning peat

enters lungs, bloodstreams,

then hearts and brains.

It can lead to asthma, diabetes,

dementia, miscarriage, and cancer.

In 2018 Irish children’s lungs and

Mother Nature’s wetlands got a break.

The government sought to protect wetlands.

Saying, “Wetlands are much more valuable

to us as bogs rather than as fuel.”

By 2023 protection for Irish bogs went up in smoke

as households burned peat to save on energy bills.

The soaring cost of oil and gas brought back

the ancient practice of cutting and burning peat.

In the U.S. we lose 60,000 acres of wetlands a year.

We have politicians who deny climate change.

Their corporate benefactors look at all

environmental regulations as an inconvenience

to their quest for profit maximization.

The health of the Earth and its people

is not even considered in the equation.

The U.S. Supreme Court sides with capital

over Mother Nature, and the good of the people.

In the war of profit over planet,

leaving the wetlands be wetlands

is a battle we need to win.

“The goal of life is living in agreement with nature,” ~ Zeno

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Failed First Flights

Look up in the sky.

Is it a bird or a plane?

No, it is a Russian who thinks he can fly.

He is training to be a cosmonaut.

Actually, it is a Putin ally falling out a third-story window.

Falling out of windows is the leading cause of death

in Russia for Vladimir Putin’s foes or even his allies.

Putin has run out of enemies to poison.

He now wants to see if his allies can fly for his fun.

Poisonings and falls mean a shortage of bullets in Russia.

All ammo must be going to fight the Ukrainians.

Silly Russians. You would think they would keep

their windows closed in freezing Moscow winters.

Did he suffer vertigo or are people who know Putin

just incredibly clumsy when they’re near windows?

Russians like their vodka and are vigorous drinkers.

So, of course, falls will happen from time to time.

I suspect the Putin Plunge as the cause of death.

That open window policy of Vlad’s is highly effective.

If it’s a classic and works, why change?

If you do not die from a third-story fall

you will die on the second fall.

Most of these deaths happen from open third-floor windows.

Why aren’t the deaths happening from higher floors?

I suspect Putin’s henchmen are just getting lazy.

Is the average Russian just ignoring all these deaths?

You know, like Americans who ignore mass shootings

and just mutter, “Thoughts and prayers.”

That complacency is why Russia is raining men.

Russian police concluded their lengthy investigation

into the latest death and determined

that gravity is the chief suspect.

They claim the gravity pull in Russia is the highest in the world.

Meaning; that gravity is not your friend and can be lethal.

It was also suggested these fallers had heart attacks.

That can happen when you’ve been launched out a window.

No medical research needs to be done on that.

A KGB agent suggested that victims of

window falls are quite possibly sleepwalkers.

Another agent said there has been a rash of assault windows.

There have been attempts to ban assault windows.

Sadly, the window NRA lobby in Russia is strong.

and is opposed to any kind of window regulations.

Window installers could have done a shoddy job.

We will never know as conservative politicians

support all forms of business de-regulations.

The CIA knows that the Russians have been hacking Windows for decades.

I do remember that private meeting Trump had with Putin.

The one where no U.S. interpreter was allowed.

Vlad was offering him a nice third floor apartment

in exchange for US nuclear secret documents.

Strange all these Russians attempting dangerous

aerial maneuvers from tall buildings

When crossing the road in Russia

remember to look left, right, and up.

“Assassinations makes only martyrs, not coverts.” ~ Alphonse de Lamartine

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A Joyous Obituary to AM Radio

Electric motors in Electric vehicles

interfere with their AM radio signals.

That is why several auto manufacturers.

have eliminated AM radios in their vehicles.

Lawmakers want automakers to include

AM radios with every car they sell.

Keeping AM radios in EV vehicles

could cost auto manufacturers billions.

The West Virginia Attorney General noted

that while technology should advance,

we must be careful during times of transition

that West Virginia isn’t left behind.

The attorney general hasn’t noticed that

West Virginia is already a century behind the times.

The elimination of AM radios is a big plus.

I say goodbye to mindless AM sports talk radio.

On sports radio, football dominates year-round

whether it is football season or not.

All other sports are ignored

when they are not being trashed.

Soccer is a particular enemy

as is any women’s sport.

Sports radio is the misogynistic domain of men.

We have macho BSers who call up and grunt

the Browns, Steelers, or Bears suck.

Three hours of a football game broadcast

is just not enough for some football fans.

They want an hour pre-game show

and an hour post-game show.

Then we have the fanatics who need

every last void filled by sports.

For them, we have radio fantasy football.

Seriously, fantasy football?

It’s just pure silliness on the AM dial.

These shows feature a so-called fantasy expert,

who judges fantasy head coach callers

on their fantasy roster for the week.

AM radio sports talk shows feature ads

for men’s testosterone clinics and

ads for a male-focused attorney.

They seem to be targeting somebody here.

Next, we have that late-night Crazy Coast to Coast.

It features a wacky smorgasbord of subjects like;

the Jersey Devil, Lizard Men, the Michigan Dog Man,

Skunk apes, Chupacabras, Yetis and Yowies.

Add in conspiracies and anything paranormal.

The hosts are anything but normal.

One host, Art Bell, has been dead for five years.

Guests are fake historians and fake scientists,   

all presented as experts in their fields.

Next is the crazy Hell and damnation preachers.

They all sound like they need an exorcist.

All of them have blood-curdling screams.

It’s as if their congregations all have hearing aids.

They’re hypocritical Pastors spreading hatred against

women, gay people, minorities, and people of other faiths.

We also have hate-filled right-wing talk radio.

These radio shows spread COVID-19 denialism.

and dismissed government recommendations

for safety in fighting against the pandemic.

They didn’t care about killing off their listeners.

These right-wing hosts take their marching orders

from the corporations that own the radio stations.

Conservative politicians will fight tooth and nail,

to keep these shows and to save AM radio.

That is because the same corporations own them.

They love the hate from radical pastors

and talk radio hosts as it keeps Americans divided.

AM talk radio is dumbing down the voters

and helping stupidity become a virtue.

These politicians use the smokescreen

that we all need AM radio

for emergency alerts that might come up.

I guess they have never heard of cellphone popups.

Considering, that Wolfman Jack is dead

and Rush Limbaugh is now in Hell,

there really is no future for AM radio.

The fact is that the millennial generation

has never even heard of AM radio.

Politicians claim getting rid of AM radio,

could lead to a snowball effect.

What will be next on the chopping block they pontificate.

Hopefully, it’s getting Country Music off the airwaves.

“Right now, politics follows the rules of talk radio- using conflict, tension fear, and resentment to find new recruits.” ~ John Avlon


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Summer De-stress

Stop the car and pull it over, the driver heard.

Two schoolteachers and a school speech therapist,

jumped out of the minivan in a bank parking lot.

The van’s radio played, “Girls Just Want to Have Fun.”

These three educators were dancing and singing.

They weren’t drunk (yet) and just wanted to have fun.

It was summer and they were on vacation.

They had come to Cape Hatteras to relieve stress.

They wanted to have fun before the school year started.

Fun before teaching in behavior-problem classrooms.

Fun before these troubled kids beat on them.

Fun before the kid’s parents disrespected them.

Fun before a school board of businesspeople and realtors,

who had never taught told them how and what to teach.

Fun before new contract negotiations

that would still make them underpaid.

Fun before the taxpayers would vote against

even renewing the present school levy.

Fun before returning to their thankless jobs.

Fun, fun dancing to thank the Outer Banks sun.

Same time next summer.

“Teachers are sort of faced with a thankless task, because no matter how good they are, unless they find a way to personally rationalize the rewards of their effort, nobody else is really going to do it for them en masse.” ~ Julius Erving


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Unanswered Prayers of the Power-Hungry

There is something seriously wrong with their prayers.

That is why God is not answering these Evangelical pastors.

God is not concerned with their prosperity Bible,

which separates their flocks from their cash.

God knows these pastors are more concerned

about power than following the words of Jesus.

That is why they have decided to get into politics.

Don’t you remember that famous Jesus quote

‘’The end justifies the means.”

That means right-wing pastors are now

worshipping Trump as the orange messiah.

They turned their backs on God himself

for Trump and the allure of power.

Trump played upon evangelicals’ fears and grievances.

He got them to abandon their Christian principles.

They want the United States and its government,

to be shaped by their hate-filled religious beliefs.

Beliefs not compatible with traditional Christianity.

They reject actual Christian values of helping the poor

caring for the homeless and welcoming weary immigrants.

Remember when Christians put on white hoods

and burned crosses on the lawns of black families?

The current crop of “Christian” fanatics are “KKK Lite.”

They support violence as legitimate free speech.

This violence is aimed at minorities and women.

They are what our founding fathers warned us about

and fled places in Europe to get away from.

Right-wing pastors have decided Trump is their messiah.

By refusing to speak against him, they support his threats,

his crimes, his sexual violence, his adultery,

and his promise to destroy anyone who opposes him.

My Bible never said Jesus threatened nonbelievers,

but it does say to repent and ask forgiveness.

Trump has bragged about never asking

for forgiveness for anything.

When you make a deal with the Devil,

know that you end up in his domain.

Perhaps I’m wrong and missed some huge religious event?

Did God recently speak through a burning bush?

Did he say, “Do you remember those Ten Commandments?

The ones I dictated to Moses on Mt. Sinai?

Yeah, forget all about that holy-roller stuff.

Living like Donald Trump is what I meant all along!”

“The evangelical support of Trump will be an indictment against its validity as a Christian movement for generations to come.” ~ Richard Rohr



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