Monthly Archives: February 2021

Virus Among Us

Planet of the sick and dying.

USA land of the sick and dying

Empty roads have evolved into

Roads with constant auto accidents

It’s as if drivers are on suicide missions

People not wearing seatbelts

Thrown from vehicles and killed

Those in the lockdown who haven’t

Locked their car’s seatbelts

In decades don’t care about their own lives

They also don’t care about other’s lives.

As they are also non-mask wearers

In this the age of the corona plague

Those refusing to wear masks

Will eventually make us all have to don

Hazmat suits just to leave the house

All because wearing a mask was politicized

By a president who said the virus would

Pack up and leave us by early spring

As if it were one more immigrant he could ban,

Cage or build a wall to keep out of the country

He, later much too late states

“Nasty horrible” virus “will probably

 Unfortunately get worse before it gets better.”

He is sadly, finally right about one thing

Now, infection surges, finally combated

 By various new made vaccines

The virus fights back with new strains.

Each much worse than the last.

The virus was able to sneak up on us

As many were embracing being anti-science

These anti-science people are refusing vaccines

For a virus they say is a myth

Their ignorance is a virus

That welcomes Armageddon

Religious people say they don’t need

To social distance or wear a mask

Because their messiah is looking after them

News flash, the messiah is wisely in quarantine

The rich have gotten richer during the pandemic

For the rest of us, every inequity

In our economy has multiplied

The corona virus has heightened homelessness.

Destroyed human connections, our health,

Livelihoods, Increased loneliness, and made us

All fearful of our fellow man

I fear some of these impacts will be long-lasting.

No bars, no theatres, no concerts

Pleasure world is closed for now.

Now replaced with zoom and a digital community

Will things get worse?

Will these be the good old days?

Can we find optimism in these times?

In an ocean of solitude and despair

We are drifting in our own life rafts.

Can we lash them all together

Decide to work in solidarity and end up

 On the island paradise of our dreams?

Be safe, be kind.

Black Uhuru: “Solidarity”

“The environment is changing and so are the viruses.”
― Steven Magee


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